In my search for depth, I came across the gypsy tradition. No words, just give it a try. If you hate it, no problem, if not, awesome! Short, short, clip . Simply unbelievable. Give it a try... please?
El mundo es una custodia
que es tan llena de calor
que yo me voy a subir a la gloria
The world is a guardian
so full of warmth
that I am going to ascend to heaven
(Not sure about the Spanish transcript. Doesn't work in English either).
El mundo es una custodia
que es tan llena de calor
que yo me voy a subir a la gloria
The world is a guardian
so full of warmth
that I am going to ascend to heaven
(Not sure about the Spanish transcript. Doesn't work in English either).
■■■■■■■■ enshu
■■■■■■■■ enshu