Call yourself "the cracks" and your first single could be "excrement"
excrement, by the cracks! Ha!
Ha ha.
Although, come to think of it, that name is undoubtably taken...better make it "the cracks 187" until you can get the copyright through
A word of caution for those eager to suggest band names: you never know when someone might use your idea, and it will come back to haunt you. A friend of mine once suggested "condom sauce" would be a good name for a band (this was back in 6th grade or something). Years later he found out that the friend he had mentioned the idea to had another friend who was starting a band...this friend of a friend stole this completely valid band name and used it for several years without the original creative person's knowledge. Condom Sauce actually played several gigs around town, and their career culminated in a tumultuous debut at the local park grandstand. The bandname suggestor never recieved compensation, while the name gankers no doubt enjoyed free beer and a certain amount of respect from a small group of fans. Let this be a warning to all.
PROTECT YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY FROM FALLING INTO THE WRONG HANDS! (please, for the sake of humanity and all that is decent)
Working hard to bring you a mission statement and profile signature in the new year.