Solver of Simultaneous Equations
Posts: 804
No, beginners "packs" aren't worth it. Not only is the actual equipment poorly made and lowsy, but getting made fun of for having a cheap Squire isn't too great either. Not only would it hurt his self esteem in terms of playing in front of others ( especially if they point it out), but he could also blame his troubles with learning the instrument on the cheap guitar itself. Why have a crappy little amp like that? He won't be at the level where really any amplification is necessary. He isn't playing in front of a group, nor is he going to be advanced enough to need to fool around with effects.
If you really want an electric, find a better quality no-name brand, or older guitars. Companies like Kramer, Harmony and Dillon made pretty good instruments back in the day, and you can still find them around for really cheap. Hell, one of my friends picked up a Kramer as his first guitar, for $200 or less, great condition, and is at the performing level now and it's still his main electric. Great action and tone, just not as a flashy name as Fender or Ibanez. Go into a local guitar shop, they should have some lesser known brand guitars around, only so many shops carry Gibson or Fender.
Your first guitar should be a well made one. It's not like it's going to really get banged up or anything if you take care of it. You aren't going to mess it up in any way by playing it. I'm not saying you should go pay anything in excess of $300 though, there are quality things out there for cheap.
Honestly I think you should just get an acoustic(or acoustic/electric). You can get the amplification you need without an amp, at a reasonable price, and real quality( and beautiful tone!).