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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → A very short song with a very long title about a very important matter...
A very short song with a very long title about a very important matter...
2006-01-27, 6:01 PM #1
This is a song I wrote a while ago. It's a really fun song to play because it's short, easy to play, and it sounds really awesome. Here are the rather silly, but to us, important lyrics.

On TV! On TV!

On TV! On TV!

All the news is on TV
Just for me! Just for me!

All the news is just for me
On TV! On TV!

Broadcasting news on TV
Just for me! Just for me!

Broadcasting just what I need
On TV! On TV!

A bomb got dropped on liberty?
On TV! On TV!

A sudden end to poverty?
Think while it's still legal.
2006-01-27, 8:17 PM #2
I have a better one.


"THIS. ONE. isnt "
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-01-27, 9:09 PM #3
yay you can rhyme!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-01-27, 9:21 PM #4
Think while it's still legal.
2006-01-27, 10:40 PM #5
Okay, the lyric structure is exactly like Chic'N'Stu. Way to go go.
2006-01-28, 12:20 AM #6
You could write songs and routines for my high school cheerleading squad.
2006-01-28, 1:05 AM #7
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]yay![/QUOTE]

:p fine i was just being lazy before

Its "alright"

Im not sure what your message is though... I think its WAY too broad. I mean first I thought you were condemning news stations that arent perfect, but then you mentioned the BBC.

Its hard to tell also without any music with it. The ending "not on tv" doesnt flow well, but might with music.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-01-28, 7:36 AM #8
Okay, the lyric structure is exactly like Chic'N'Stu. Way to go go.

Has anyone ever told you that your a moron? Every single song I write is "Stop trying to be SoaD! It's exactly like them, LAWL!" None of my songs are based on SoaD songs. It's all my original writings. Each of the songs that I write, the band and I come up with original music for them, and I can tell you right now, we sound nothing like SoaD in any way, shape, or form. Maybe one of the reasons I like SoaD so much is that I've always thought some of the same ways. I've always written a certain way, about certain subjects, and I'd never try to be like my favorite band, or any band. When I write songs, it doesn't matter if it flows 100%, if it's silly or serious, it just matters that I write about something that I know or feel. I don't sit down and struggle to copy SoaD, or say 'Wow, SoaD writes this way, I should try it", No. When I am in the mood to write I sit down and I just let it flow out. All of my ideas just flow out until I can't think anymore. Song writing is a flow, it shouldn't be a struggle. I don't copy people. I write what I know.

You could write songs and routines for my high school cheerleading squad.

You know that I've written lengthy complicated songs, I don't see whats wrong with a short and simple song now and then.

Im not sure what your message is though... I think its WAY too broad. I mean first I thought you were condemning news stations that arent perfect, but then you mentioned the BBC.

The song isn't about perfect or not perfect news stations. It's just about the news and people that watch the news.

"CNN and NBC
On TV! On TV!

On TV! On TV!"

Just a simple listing of some news stations, setting up for the next lines.

"All the news is on TV
Just for me! Just for me!

All the news is just for me
On TV! On TV!

Broadcasting news on TV
Just for me! Just for me!

Broadcasting just what I need
On TV! On TV!"

Some people watch the news every day, and they already know what to expect, but it seems almost like they are watching for the shock or gossip, they don't seem to care about anything else. The news has become kind of routine for some people. Maybe it's after dinner, maybe you go and see it at 11, after a TV show. Eitherway it's something people feel they need to see.

"A bomb got dropped on liberty?
On TV! On TV!

A sudden end to poverty?

What's going to make a bigger headline? An end to poverty, or us getting the crap bombed out of us? Then again, who cares about good news? That's why I said people watch news for the shock and gossip, because even if something really good happens in the world, it's usually just a side note. Bad things get ratings, and nothing good is ever up front on the news.

Its hard to tell also without any music with it. The ending "not on tv" doesnt flow well, but might with music.

It's kind of hard to explain without music, your right. The entire song has kind of a consistent beat. It's very happy-go-lucky, then after the line 'A sudden end to poverty?" we all yell "NOT ON TV!" and the music comes to a sudden stop. It's pretty cool :p
Think while it's still legal.
2006-01-28, 8:12 AM #9
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Has anyone ever told you that your a moron?[/QUOTE]

Every one of your songs sounds like a rejected SoaD song purely by lyrics. They may be your own compositions, but that doesn't mean they don't strike an uncanny resemblance to a lamer SoaD style.

Like always, I still say meh.
2006-01-28, 2:21 PM #10
geez just let the guy write what he wants.

worthless without music i say. feels incomplete.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-01-28, 2:56 PM #11
but the BBC isnt a news station, its a conglomerate.
2006-01-28, 6:17 PM #12
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]
The song isn't about perfect or not perfect news stations. It's just about the news and people that watch the news.[/QUOTE]

Apart from that one BBC news channel, the BBC is a massive group of broadcasted radio and TV channels, some which feature the news. You screwed up a bit there, theres a total of about 15 TV stations I'd say, and only 3 of them show the news. :p
2006-01-28, 7:44 PM #13
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Apart from that one BBC news channel, the BBC is a massive group of broadcasted radio and TV channels, some which feature the news. You screwed up a bit there, theres a total of about 15 TV stations I'd say, and only 3 of them show the news. :p

but its more than that... as i said... its a conglomerate :p
2006-01-28, 10:24 PM #14
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Has anyone ever told you that your a moron?[/QUOTE]

Has anyone told you your lyrics suck. Because they do. You're ripping off SOAD's "stop-go-stop-go-slow" style, hardcore. You want to be like SOAD, it's okay to admit it, just don't expect us not to notice. BTW scratch what I said about Chic'N'Stu, it sounds more like a mix between Chic'N'Stu and Pictures.
2006-01-28, 10:31 PM #15
Oh yeah? Well, your website is hosted on GEOCITIES! So there

2006-01-28, 10:42 PM #16
Has anyone told you your lyrics suck. Because they do. You're ripping off SOAD's "stop-go-stop-go-slow" style, hardcore. You want to be like SOAD, it's okay to admit it, just don't expect us not to notice. BTW scratch what I said about Chic'N'Stu, it sounds more like a mix between Chic'N'Stu and Pictures.

Hahaha. Your a s**t. this song doesn't "stop-go-stop-go-slow!" It has the same constant tone. This sone is all fast paced. You can't tell me jack crap about the music of a song from the lyrics. So shut up, because you look like an idiot. Also, noone has told me my lyrics suck. Most people really like them, the rest just say they aren't for them. Oops, you were just being punk-arsed teenager trying to cause trouble!
Think while it's still legal.
2006-01-29, 9:05 AM #17
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Hahaha. Your a s**t. this song doesn't "stop-go-stop-go-slow!" It has the same constant tone. This sone is all fast paced. You can't tell me jack crap about the music of a song from the lyrics. So shut up, because you look like an idiot. Also, noone has told me my lyrics suck. Most people really like them, the rest just say they aren't for them. Oops, you were just being punk-arsed teenager trying to cause trouble![/QUOTE]
No, actually, I'm seeing a lot of "Mehs" or "not that greats". The kid has a point SAJN--don't just brush off anyone who criticizes something you've done and insult them.
2006-01-29, 9:22 AM #18
i just dont really like them because they're blatant and kinda tired, theres no point in there that i really care for.
2006-01-29, 9:36 AM #19
you know. when someone tells me my stuff sucks. i don't attack them and try to prove them wrong. i go "oh well" and keep doing my thing.

then they start liking it simply because i know it can turn out good once the work is done.

maybe you should be a bit less defensive. it helps alot.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-01-29, 10:20 AM #20
Or not suck.

That'd help too.
2006-01-29, 12:39 PM #21
Why would you post something and not expect to be criticized? You asked, they answered. If you don't like the response, just get over it. All he did was comment that the lyric structure was like another song. It was hardly enough to justify calling him a "moron".

Just because you may think it sounds "awesome", don't expect everyone else to think so. Remember, you made that (sorry, but not so great) recording a few days after you got your bass. No one thought it was really good at all, I don't believe, but you still thought it sounded awesome. While that's great for you, and not for everyone else, you can still work off what you think is "awesome". Just keep at it and eventually you'll make something that actually is awesome, and you won't have to justify it when you show it to others :-P.
2006-01-29, 3:10 PM #22
Wow. You people suprise me. People who critisize are fine. Monoxide and Yoshi never have anything good to say about anything I post because they don't like me. So they are just being dick. Rob hates life, the world, and everyone so I don't pay attention to him. Notice I responded to MBeggar in a nice manner. It's the people who constantly never have ANYTHING good to say about anything that I don't care for.

Plus I stated already that the lyrics were overly simple, but the comments I'm getting is "It sucks." "It's too simple!". Maybe I'd take you guys more serious if you could give some feedback like MBeggar did. He explained why he didn't like/get the song. You guys are just vultures. My god.
Think while it's still legal.
2006-01-29, 3:30 PM #23
I think the main problem it suffers from is not simplicity, but rather the same one in fact that plagues SoaD lyrics (don't kill me plz). And that problem is, as MB said, being too broad. Political songs should make an incisive point, but all this one does is restate old hippie rhetoric. I'd be like writing a song that says "Bush sucks! Bush lies!" It's just preaching to the choir, and even then, just barely. I mean, that's just my take on it--I think political songs should raise points to debate. Maybe you don't agree. :o
2006-01-29, 5:31 PM #24
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Wow. You people suprise me. People who critisize are fine. Monoxide and Yoshi never have anything good to say about anything I post because they don't like me. So they are just being dick. Rob hates life, the world, and everyone so I don't pay attention to him. Notice I responded to MBeggar in a nice manner. It's the people who constantly never have ANYTHING good to say about anything that I don't care for.

Plus I stated already that the lyrics were overly simple, but the comments I'm getting is "It sucks." "It's too simple!". Maybe I'd take you guys more serious if you could give some feedback like MBeggar did. He explained why he didn't like/get the song. You guys are just vultures. My god.[/QUOTE]
Christ SAJN, you really don't get it. I don't hate you, for one, and I don't hate your stuff either. Your first flash animation was very well illustrated. Hell, even the one I criticized so harshly still had MUCH better than average illustrations. I just focus on the negatives because telling you that will have a more lasting impact on you than telling you the positives. That's how it is with every human being--you notice the negatives. Not only that, but if you were actually open to any criticism whatsoever (as you have shown time and time again you're not) then you'd understand that I was saying it was boring--bland--meh. Whatever you want to call it, that was my criticism. Not horrible, not bad, just meh.
2006-01-29, 5:42 PM #25
Mommy, the kids at school make fun of my drawings!
omnia mea mecum porto
2006-01-29, 5:42 PM #26
Quit getting mad because noone will feed your pride. You posted you're lyrics, we post our opinion on your work. If we don't like it we're not going to tell you we do, or that your work is good if it isn't. Just listen our opinions, take what opinions are most important to you, and work from there, and maybe iron out the issues in your lyrics.
2006-01-29, 7:01 PM #27
Almost everyone is being way out of line on this thread, there's a way to be constructive and very few of you were doing so until SAJN called you on it.

Ok fine, he takes things very defensively, but to be perfectly fair with the crap you guys have dealt out to him in the past few years he's pretty damn justified.

The onus isn't just on him to take criticism better and the onus isn't just on everyone else to not be such asses. Learn to get along.
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