Has anyone ever told you that your a moron? Every single song I write is "Stop trying to be SoaD! It's exactly like them, LAWL!" None of my songs are based on SoaD songs. It's all my original writings. Each of the songs that I write, the band and I come up with original music for them, and I can tell you right now, we sound nothing like SoaD in any way, shape, or form. Maybe one of the reasons I like SoaD so much is that I've always thought some of the same ways. I've always written a certain way, about certain subjects, and I'd never try to be like my favorite band, or any band. When I write songs, it doesn't matter if it flows 100%, if it's silly or serious, it just matters that I write about something that I know or feel. I don't sit down and struggle to copy SoaD, or say 'Wow, SoaD writes this way, I should try it", No. When I am in the mood to write I sit down and I just let it flow out. All of my ideas just flow out until I can't think anymore. Song writing is a flow, it shouldn't be a struggle. I don't copy people. I write what I know.
You know that I've written lengthy complicated songs, I don't see whats wrong with a short and simple song now and then.
The song isn't about perfect or not perfect news stations. It's just about the news and people that watch the news.
"CNN and NBC
On TV! On TV!
On TV! On TV!"
Just a simple listing of some news stations, setting up for the next lines.
"All the news is on TV
Just for me! Just for me!
All the news is just for me
On TV! On TV!
Broadcasting news on TV
Just for me! Just for me!
Broadcasting just what I need
On TV! On TV!"
Some people watch the news every day, and they already know what to expect, but it seems almost like they are watching for the shock or gossip, they don't seem to care about anything else. The news has become kind of routine for some people. Maybe it's after dinner, maybe you go and see it at 11, after a TV show. Eitherway it's something people feel they need to see.
"A bomb got dropped on liberty?
On TV! On TV!
A sudden end to poverty?
What's going to make a bigger headline? An end to poverty, or us getting the crap bombed out of us? Then again, who cares about good news? That's why I said people watch news for the shock and gossip, because even if something really good happens in the world, it's usually just a side note. Bad things get ratings, and nothing good is ever up front on the news.
It's kind of hard to explain without music, your right. The entire song has kind of a consistent beat. It's very happy-go-lucky, then after the line 'A sudden end to poverty?" we all yell "NOT ON TV!" and the music comes to a sudden stop. It's pretty cool :p
Think while it's still legal.