Songfight reviews:
Del Sesto: This would be great in Spinal Tap style with like 3 lead basses going on. The riff at the beginning seems real out of place because there’s no relationship to the rest of the song at all. The lyrics are funny, they remind of something that Dr. Demento would have played on his show. The ending is perfectly placed as my attention span had run it’s course. You actually get points for that from me because you didn’t drive it into the ground forever.
Del Sesto: heh! fun AND funny... great lyrics.
Del Sesto: Just as the world becomes mortally sick of guy ‘n’ guitar, along comes guy ‘n’ bass to save the day! Nice twist. Plus, hilarious lyrics and one of the most awesome song endings of all time. However, this is going to be tough to score, since the overall result is not very musically pleasing. With bad lyrics and a normal ending, this would be a 3 out of 10, but with hilarious lyrics and an awesome ending, it’s a 6.5.
Del Sesto: This makes me wanna punch you in the face. You can write obnoxious lyrics and sing them with an obnoxious voice and make annoying comments between verses when you when you have more music than a silly punk rock bassline. Not awesome.
Del Sesto: well done for writing a song on a bass. I like the maniacal laughter and the way you kept the mistake in. have you seen that Kids in the Hall sketch about the bass player? this reminded me of that. Welcome to songfight
Think while it's still legal.