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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → The Joys... of Danny Elfman
The Joys... of Danny Elfman
2006-05-14, 10:23 PM #1
Well, I just got a huge stack of Danny Elfman albums and boy howdy. I mean, I was always a huge Burton fan growing up and I always loved Elfman's stuff, but I never knew how much of it there was, and how good it could be.
The Batman soundtrack is just so powerful that, to be honest, I can't remember a single thing about the new version's soundtrack. The opening title song of Mars Attacks is a clever and decidedly alien tune that effectively combined Bernard Herman's "The Day the Earth Stood Still" with John Williams' "The Empire Strikes Back". And Beetlejuice... well, that's just plain good.
Screechy violins, crazy willowy choir women, and low piano keys FOR GREAT JUSTICE.
{EDIT} I forgot Edward Scissorhands, the theme which is used to this day in previews and commercials constantly.
Usually during the holiday season, admittedly.

-What's your favorite Elfman work?
2006-05-14, 11:19 PM #2
I remember reading that he was in a band. Oingo Boingo, IIRC. I never heard any of their stuff but I am deeply in love with all of Danny's orchestral works. Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman, you name it. ;)
2006-05-15, 12:13 AM #3
Elfman is indeed awesome. One of the few composers who writes things that stand out to me.

The theme at the climax of Batman Returns is a masterpiece.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2006-05-15, 3:18 PM #4
Originally posted by Acharjay:
Elfman is indeed awesome. One of the few composers who writes things that stand out to me.

The theme at the climax of Batman Returns is a masterpiece.

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-05-15, 10:29 PM #5
Oingo Boingo rocks. Dead Man's Party is one of my favorite songs of all time.
2006-05-16, 12:41 AM #6
SIMPSONS heeeeeeee
2006-05-16, 9:27 AM #7
Edward Scissorhands soundtrack is by far his best work.
2006-05-16, 11:53 AM #8
Charlie was pretty awesome.
Think while it's still legal.

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