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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → Rave music
Rave music
2010-05-20, 7:50 PM #1
Recently, I've discovered early rave music, specifically years 88-93. Does anyone else have a taste for rave music specifically from these years? BTW, before you reply, you should look up some tracks from this period - I have a few samples linked here. The tracks from this period are, well, ravey, but it's not like modern rave music. In my opinion, it has a much better vibe, and a more underground and hardcore feel rather than the more silly tone modern rave music has adopted

sample tracks:

2010-05-22, 9:25 AM #2
Well, not really. Probably the closest thing (and yet a few stones off) I rather regularly listen to would be:

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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