Hey guys! I am starting to test out different ways to set up a sort of river with islands in it that will run around the level I am working on, which is The Home Of Crimson Moon, or THOCM. I plan to put a sort of rock wall around the edge to act as the boundary for the level, or at least on one of the sides. Suggestions welcome. Also, I know this is poor, but I only worked on it for 5 minutes as a test.
Emperor Of The Crimson Empire
Current Projects: The Home Of Crimson Moon (THOCM)
THOCM Forums
Emperor Of The Crimson Empire
Current Projects: The Home Of Crimson Moon (THOCM)
THOCM Forums
Emperor Of The Crimson Empire
Current Projects: The Home Of Crimson Moon (THOCM)
Current Projects: The Home Of Crimson Moon (THOCM)