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ForumsShowcase → shouldn't have said that....
shouldn't have said that....
2003-07-20, 12:39 PM #1
ignore the random title, got you here...

never showcased anything before other than some really bad attempts are terragen. So here's my first one....

been playing about with websites for a while, and recently got given the task of looking after my uni rowing club one....which i'm the treasurer for next year (god help me)....anyways, started it from scratch, made most the stuff myself...

comments, flames, suggestions.....anything welcome, plus this is a good way to test it on different setup's other than my own...

suggest you all view it in at least 1024*768....

heres a little screenshot...


and the address...

its all about rowing, most of you probably won't find it at all the least bit interesting....

[edit]forgot to say, theres nothing in the social section at the minute as she hasn't got back to me as to what she wants in there, so don't click it.....[/edit]

I heard someone say once that the world is a fine place and its worth fighting for....I agree with the last part.

People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

Rbots website

[This message has been edited by James Bond (edited July 20, 2003).]
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2003-07-20, 4:48 PM #2
Not bad. I don't care much for the colors though. You may also want to scale down that coat of arms image (you shouldn't have to scroll so far down to read the news on a news page). I'd also recommend cleaning up some of your code (make it more XML compliant; a good habit to get in if you plan on doing this much).

2003-07-21, 4:33 AM #3
I have to say, I did wonder what you'd look like in the lycra suit!! lovely dear.

website seems fine to me, but I'm hardly qualified to comment really.

Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2003-07-21, 6:32 AM #4
[nudge] Are you ever gonna do the RBots version of The Forgotten Place? [/nudge]

Current Maps

Stomping Grounds (Newest Addition)

Look up my nose and see your future.
Current Maps | Newest Map
2003-07-21, 7:21 AM #5
cheers guys for the comments....the colours are what they are because thats what the uni colours are, didn't really have much say in the matter, have been thinking of making them a bit darker but then the white background would jump out a bit too much. might scale back the crest thinking about it....good point...

thanks for the nudge blood_asp, as you can probably see i am busy but...i've had it quite a while...i did start it but never finished it....i'll look into it and with luck hopefully get it done before uni starts back up in september....

I heard someone say once that the world is a fine place and its worth fighting for....I agree with the last part.

People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

Rbots website
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2003-07-21, 2:27 PM #6
How did you get your desktop like that?

2003-07-22, 3:42 AM #7
yes... what windows is that?

2003-07-22, 5:14 AM #8
I'm just kidding about the map. Even if you do not finish it, you still have my permission to do whatever with it. I should prolly comment on the site too... It looks a little like Massassi, but that's a good thing. []

Current Maps

Stomping Grounds (Newest Addition)

Look up my nose and see your future.
Current Maps | Newest Map
2003-07-22, 7:23 AM #9
its winXP home edition, but i'm using StyleXp to change how it looks, theres loads of different visual styles you can chose from.....just got fed up with the XP look and wanted a change....

I heard someone say once that the world is a fine place and its worth fighting for....I agree with the last part.

People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

Rbots website
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.


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