The hilt really isnt outrageously long, the wireframe profile above shows it to be pretty normal, and since that screen was taken i shortened it even more. Generaly the hilt of a katana is made a little longer than necesary to balance the weapon where the hilt meets the blade. It's not that I dont agree that the hilt looks stretched in the final render, in fact I think you all are right. Reguardless...Im using the model for another scene which you guys will get to tear apart later
, the one posted was just something to get the feel of the programs.
oh yeah...modeled in lightwave rendered in bryce ***this is not the final*** but it gives you an idea what im doing with it.
[This message has been edited by JEDI-Salvation (edited July 29, 2003).]
[This message has been edited by JEDI-Salvation (edited July 29, 2003).]
"...Those living for death will die by their own hand, Life's no ordeal if you come to terms, Reject the system dictating the norms..."