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ForumsShowcase → Enemy Territory Map
Enemy Territory Map
2003-08-01, 10:56 AM #1




it's an underground level.

Basically, it's a sequel to goldrush. The allies had to hide the gold in order to wait for an airlift to arrive. They chose this abandoned mine 27 miles SouthEast of Tobruk. The axis have tracked them, and their main objective is to retrieve *three* crates of gold, from several spots on the map.

any ideas?



I'll post more explanation of the gameplay flow later.


[This message has been edited by saberopus (edited August 03, 2003).]
2003-08-01, 1:01 PM #2
I think there is too much hate in the world

Death is just a friend you haven't met.
Ex-Council of 14
June 16 - A night that will live in infamy.
"If I lost my post count, I dont know what I would do. I mean . . life just wouldnt be worth living anymore. " ~GBK
2003-08-01, 1:02 PM #3

<Ishionu> haha, if theres one more thing more pathetic then imaginary girlfriends its imaginary girls you cant get to go out with you ;P
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2003-08-01, 1:07 PM #4
Here's a suggestion...
Make it into a JK level (or what ever it is you have level...)

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2003-08-01, 1:23 PM #5
I think those sketches look awsome and you should make textures out of them and put them in the level on the walls []

In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2003-08-01, 1:24 PM #6
I love diagrams like that. They make me think of MYST. Sigh. MYST.... I miss MYST.


[This message has been edited by Jon`C (edited April 1, 2003).]
2003-08-01, 1:41 PM #7
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jon`C:
I love diagrams like that. They make me think of MYST. Sigh. MYST.... I miss MYST.


me too... I miss Riven too... Exile too...

Fine, i'll make them textures: and uhm...

Make it into a level in the game I EDIT?!? what the crap? I edit ET,... I've stated that I'm making it into an ET map... [] you nut.

2003-08-01, 2:27 PM #8
Yeah.. that would be cool to put them as a diagram.. but he might want to erase some of the radiant terms from it [] Cause i dont think nazis used trigger_kill and.. haha blow_upable... im pretty sure that isnt even a radiant term []

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
2003-08-01, 3:55 PM #9
so 'blow-up-able' is a radiant term now, too? []

But yeah... I may... and I may not

2003-08-01, 8:51 PM #10
*bump* g'night.

2003-08-02, 12:28 AM #11
mmmmm... Myst.... Riven.... Exile.....
I think I got an idea to a new project... A MYST LOOK ALIKE!!! Or, should I do RAMA... Or TimeLaps... Or just let my imagination drive JED & JK to insanity...
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2003-08-02, 12:43 AM #12
MYST in JK? That'd be a lot of 3DOs.


[This message has been edited by Jon`C (edited April 1, 2003).]
2003-08-02, 4:05 AM #13
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jon`C:
MYST in JK? That'd be a lot of 3DOs.


I'd like to see JK just run that rocket ship as a 3do without crashing or HOMing. That ship alone had more polies than the entire first level of JK.

But it was awesome. []

"The future is not determined by a throw of the dice, but is determined by the conscious decisions of you and me."
I am addicted to ellipses!!! AHHH!!! ...
2003-08-02, 6:41 AM #14
Its a nice concept, but I don't understand the map design.

Some questions:

1. The Allies spawn right below the Axis? Why?

2. I don't see how level 1 and 2 connect to level 3.

I do have an idea concerning your original concept. As you said the Axis have lost the gold to the allies who drove away with it in a truck. They have gone to an abandoned mine 27 miles SE of Tobruk as stated. The Axis are respectively trailing them. My idea starts now . . .

The Axis arrived outside the rather rugged, cavernous region holding camp (their beginning spawn point) near a cliff face with some caves. These caves lead to the mines where the Allies are hiding. There is also a canyon-like trail leading from their spawn point that leads to the airstrip where the supposed airlift will land. The Axis strategy is to beat the Allies to the supposed airstrip, hold a front, and during those actions the caves will be breached and the gold will be retrieved. The problems for the Axis is that . . .

1. The main mine entrance has been closed off by the Allies. The canyon trail is hard to manuever through and cannot directly lead to the landing strip; there are several obstacles. The alternate cave entrances are the only way to get at the Allies. Those entrances will take time to find and manuever through.

The Allies have closed off the main mine entrance in preparation of an Axis responsive assault. The Allies must move quickly to hide the gold and secure the airstrip. They must construct a radar beacon to signal the airlift to arrive. They have problems too . . .

1. The mines are somewhat like a maze. Obstacles remain inside. A quick Axis team could force them into a stalemate by penetrating the cave from alternate sources
of entry and pushing the Allies back so they can't reach the airstrip.

For my idea here are the objectives of each team.


1. Hide each of the gold crates in the mines (there will be set hiding places based on preference of the mapper).

2. Secure the mineral processing facility (this facility is farther into the mine, the area around it will serve as the prime area of battle, it is secured by getting a flag).

3. Build the foot bridge leading from an alternate entrance of the mine to the airfield (its an auxilary way to get to the airstrip as opposed to going through the facility).

4. Build and defend the radar beacon.

5. Carry all three gold crates to the hangar at the airstrip where the airlift will land.


1. Find alternate entry to the caves.

2. Secure the mineral processing facility (this facility is farther into the mine, the area around it will serve as the prime area of battle, it is secured by getting a flag).

3. Destroy the foot bridge to fend off the Allied passage to the airstrip.

4. Retrieve the 3 gold crates.

5. Move the tank to the rendevous area in the canyon. The gold crates will be transferred to the tank there.

Hopefully I might have given something helpful []

Multiplayer Game Alias: II88BlackOps
I CAN'T WAIT FOR JK3, DX2, AND HL2. Play ET at the 58 player Nombliz server!
Corrupted Paths, my WIP for JO. Screens here:

My quote: "People choose to side with the left, and the others choose to side with the right. I go forward."
2003-08-02, 4:41 PM #15
Uhm... Trust me, I have thought this out much more thoroughly than you just did. All the levels connect perfectly, with alternating routes to the objectives and alternating routes to keep the objectives safe....

The spawns are fine, because even if they are above one another, allies only doors and dinamytable structures separate them until the flag is captured by the invading Axis troops.

I'm glad you had some ideas but... as far as that goes, I've pretty much got it covered.

2003-08-02, 4:44 PM #16
Also: This map is totally underground. Besides the fact that including an airstrip and canyon would make creating the command map hell, I want the map to have a *completely* subterranean feel. Likewise, adding the factor of having to prevent the allies from escaping while also having to retrieve the gold would make creating objectives and scripting hell.

They're nice Ideas, I'm just too new at mapping ET to implement them []

2003-08-03, 5:53 AM #17
Yeah, I have to admit that my plan was based primarily on your mine idea (it was good stuff!) and a map that involved both teams having the same objectives. The problem I see every ET map is that one team is always on Defense and the other is always on Offense. The Defense usually has an advantage with preparation from the start.

I was developing my plan with no thought of the difficulty of building and scripting. Also, GTKRadiant for ET was just released. I wouldn't expect anyone to jump to a daring project yet.

Multiplayer Game Alias: II88BlackOps
I CAN'T WAIT FOR JK3, DX2, AND HL2. Play ET at the 58 player Nombliz server!
Corrupted Paths, my WIP for JO. Screens here:

My quote: "People choose to side with the left, and the others choose to side with the right. I go forward."
2003-08-03, 7:55 AM #18
maybe someday [].

You're right, usually defense has an edge, but in this case I think It's a little more even. It'll need a lot of testing though.

2003-08-03, 8:49 AM #19


2003-08-03, 9:12 AM #20
ong teh corridors of teh d00oom

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2003-08-03, 11:16 AM #21
sweet jesus!
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2003-08-03, 11:54 AM #22
VERY nice. Might want to make the archways in the tunnels look a *tad* more rounded though.

"Vengence burns like sunfire within you! Yield to it! The Force will help you!"
"Vengence burns like sunfire within you! Yield to it! The Force will help you!"
2003-08-03, 1:39 PM #23
looks really good. Ill test it if you need testers.

2003-08-03, 2:08 PM #24
Ooh, nice start. SHOW MORE!

Multiplayer Game Alias: II88BlackOps
I CAN'T WAIT FOR JK3, DX2, AND HL2. Play ET at the 58 player Nombliz server!
Corrupted Paths, my WIP for JO. Screens here:

My quote: "People choose to side with the left, and the others choose to side with the right. I go forward."
2003-08-03, 3:30 PM #25
cheez dude... you aren't Dash are you?

2003-08-04, 1:17 AM #26
im not Dash. in ET im Cheez

2003-08-04, 3:58 AM #27
[] Reminds me the MOH.... [] Ja, ja, very good. []

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

The Magician Saber System.

The 2 riddle!
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2003-08-04, 6:18 AM #28
May the mapping continue so we can play it!
Oh, and I won't mind it if you added some levers and stuff... You know, just to make it look MYSTerious...
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2003-08-04, 12:01 PM #29
I'm getting fed up with sd Radiant.

The BSP options suck, and when i make my own, it just either quits the program, doesn't compile (or even start) or tells me that radiant has committed an illegal error yaddah yadda.

I'll try again tonight. It's so complex man. JO you just p0p it in and go, but with this.... so many options []

2003-08-04, 12:25 PM #30
Why are you using SDradiant??? USE GTK FOOL!

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
2003-08-04, 1:42 PM #31
You're stupid. That's twice you've reccomended something about a map type you know nothing about.


THIS IS Gtk, but when you download gtk 1.3.11? i think it is, THIS is what you get for ET. sdRadiant.

n00b. [] btw I MADE A WORKING ESCALATOR IN JO CAZOR now i can do subway.

2003-08-05, 10:54 AM #32
I hate to break it to you but closed quarters in ET would totally suck. Haven't you noticed that every ET level is very open and outdoorsy?

Ω of 14
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2003-08-05, 10:59 AM #33
sdRadiant probably is Splash Damage Radiant. Because splash damage is better than everything, their radiant is probably better than GTK as well (which doesnt take much).

Ω of 14
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2003-08-05, 11:27 AM #34
Actually, I think that sdRadiant might be something like JK2Radiant: a POS program distributed by the company for map making.
Use the ET GTKRadiant.

Btw closed quarters in ET would not suck. They are actually great places in testing skill; anyone can fill a clearing with fire or bombing. It takes tactics to protect yourself but still keep an offensive motion on the enemy.

Multiplayer Game Alias: II88BlackOps
I CAN'T WAIT FOR JK3, DX2, AND HL2. Play ET at the 58 player Nombliz server!
Corrupted Paths, my WIP for JO. Screens here:

My quote: "People choose to side with the left, and the others choose to side with the right. I go forward."
2003-08-05, 11:28 AM #35
Hah, SdRadiant is GtkRadiant 1.3.8 with some enhancements and plugins. Just like SdMap2 is Q3Map2 with special foliage for ET.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

[This message has been edited by Emon (edited August 05, 2003).]
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2003-08-05, 11:32 AM #36
Oh and, I suggest using alpha shadow on that grate wiring thing, and a low _lightMapScale on the brushes that the shadow hits, it should look really nice.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2003-08-05, 11:52 AM #37
osiris, I don't think you really know if sd radiant is better or worse than GTK, so i suggest you not comment.

anyway... emon, I'm getting rid of that wiring... I have more planks...

the axis will have to dynamite it to get thru.

2003-08-05, 11:54 AM #38
Mapname: Subterranean(WIP)

Map description:

After the bitter struggle to relieve the axis of a hold of war gold in Tobruk, the Allies have fled to an abandoned mine 27 miles southeast of the city. Withint the cavernous recesses of the earth they hid the gold while waiting for their evacuation airlift to arrive. Unfortunately for the starved and staggering allied team, the axis soldiers have tracked their movements to the abandoned tunnels.

Three gold crates must be returned to the garage above the mines by the axis within the time limit.
Version: v.02
Objectives: Work in Progress, but here's the almost final structure.

The allies spawn at the bottom of 3 mine levels, a large cavern with many precipices and ledges. The allies must set up 2 MG nests on this level and one on the 2nd level to ward off the axis.

The axis must make their way through a variety of routes to the gold.


1) Use dynamite to take out a patch of rubble blocking the 2nd level
2) pass through the allied 2nd level defenses (1 MG) and take gold crate #1 from side passage
3) take either the main entrance (thru a small bunker and ladder) or side entrance( down ladder and across footbridge (must be BUILT) to the second and third gold crates, both on the last level.


1) Stop the axis from dynamiting the rubble
2) stop the axis from retrieving the first gold crate
3) stop the axis from retrieving the second gold crates by blowing open a mine shaft
4) stop the axis from retrieving the 3rd gold crate on the platform (3rd level)


[This message has been edited by saberopus (edited August 05, 2003).]
2003-08-05, 12:08 PM #39
and osiris... I respect your opinion, but it came across rather rudely... kinda like a 'this will suck' type thing.

The tunnels are merely 1 out of 3 levels of the entire level! level 1 is a wide open garage, level 3 is a wide open cavern. The tunnels exist merely to serve as a choke point for both teams, and to slow the gameplay. (otherwise it would be too easy to reach the objectives).


2003-08-05, 11:52 PM #40
Man, how long did this take you to think up?!?! It looks real cool.. nearly professional [] Might wanna try some more (broken) pillars in the hallways, though..

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...

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