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ForumsShowcase → WTH he's posting a new topic already?!?
WTH he's posting a new topic already?!?
2003-08-19, 5:14 AM #1
Yup. []

I'm showing my new WIP, a WinXP Theme. Guess where it's from.

Very early shot.

More recent shot. (That's the tool I used to create this. [])

My Patch Commander replacement, strutting it's stuff in my Theme.

The Run dialog, fully skinned. I still need to tweak the color of the button text.

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!

[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited August 19, 2003).]

2003-08-19, 7:01 AM #2

<Craig> people suck..they suck because they give me advice and I don't take it and thus my life goes to hell
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2003-08-19, 7:02 AM #3
not sure I really like teh brown buttons, but everything else looks good! Especially the PC replacement. :-D

Clarinetists, unite!

-writer and producer of Bloodwing: Fallen Soldier
(no site yet...)
Clarinetists, unite!

-writer of Bloodwing
(a work in progress)
2003-08-19, 7:07 AM #4
I'll blame the JPEG compression on that. []

The OK button is actually the "default" button, which is why it has the brown background.

The other buttons I will give white text as soon as I can figure out how to...

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!

2003-08-19, 7:35 AM #5
It's XP. I hate XP. Nice theme though ;-D


Epic: Episode I TC, Epic: Podracing Mod MP/SP, Epic: Starbattles Mod MP/SP
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2003-08-19, 8:16 AM #6 this is what you were doing while on mIRC??... You'd better stay on mIRC next time.. []

Nahm just kiddin, looks funnay!!

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-08-19, 8:21 AM #7
*shakes head*

What a terrible waste of image 12345.jpg on the EC. [] a program that when its released, Jk will be even more dead than it is now and it wont be used []

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Valley of the Jedi Tower Smaug's Lair
2003-08-19, 8:28 AM #8
And the other thing.. those brown buttons look like the JO ones.

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Valley of the Jedi Tower Smaug's Lair
2003-08-19, 8:35 AM #9
Gee, you think?!? []

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!

2003-08-19, 8:46 AM #10

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-08-19, 10:17 AM #11
I know what it is! It is Half-Unreal with a BackSlash of Heros and a Tournament to top it all off!
No wait... It is Far Gate, JA, and a touch of lemon in a blender!
[] [] [] [] [] [] []
OK! I'm being silly! So sue me! I know a JO when I see it!, Well, at first I didn't see JO in it, but when I had a closer look at the little buttons in the corner, THEN I knew.

Well, an idea for your buttons. Use the same ones as in the menu when you are about to play, and for the default (or highlighted) one, illuminate it with a saber or something...

Hang on... You ave XP? My condolances... []

I don't eat meat. I'm a vetenarian...

"Robert Englund är väl känd för sin uppträdande som Willie i Filmen och TV-serien V." - Sydsvenska Dagbladet.
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2003-08-19, 10:23 AM #12
Sigh, I remember in the good ol days where everyone sticked to c++ coding to do that. Wasn't easy but man that looks good, despite the use of it being xp hehe... Why not make a Net browser for JK hosted games? Like a stats browser so to speak?

-- [url=""][/url]</A>--The Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
-- Bounty Hunters Arc Forum--Firehound Inc.--
2003-08-19, 2:28 PM #13
Edward, thanks for the suggestion, but because of the way Windows XP treats buttons (ie they can be any size), I wouldn't be able to add the glow.

And as for a JK games browser, I do not have the experience or knowledge necessary to make something of that sort... I don't even know if it's possible. (Polling every IP port 2303 is one way, but I seriously doubt it will be fast enough :P) I think most games that have a game list use a server to accomplish that.

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!

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