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ForumsShowcase → Its not a lobster.. It has nothing to do with the Matrix.. and its not a Desert Eagle
Its not a lobster.. It has nothing to do with the Matrix.. and its not a Desert Eagle
2003-08-31, 4:00 PM #1
Clip []
Scope []

what do you think! (last one most parts of the gun are 2d... dont know why I have that)
The scope is for the Sniper version.
the real rifle

I love the smell of dflt.mat in the morning

[This message has been edited by MBeggar (edited August 31, 2003).]
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2003-08-31, 4:06 PM #2
Is it a lobster in the matrix holding a desert eagle?

Hey you post in chat, this is what you get. []

i'd sell my soul, my self esteem
a dollar at a time
for just one chance, one kiss, one taste,
of you, my Magdalena
2003-08-31, 4:07 PM #3
Well... they need a barrel, they need to be MUCH rounder and more detailed, that's low poly even for JK. And WTF are those things in the second and third shots?
2003-08-31, 4:17 PM #4
Yes, barrel is being worked on.
Im working on increasing the polys in it. This is my first model, so i was going easy on it at first

I love the smell of dflt.mat in the morning
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2003-08-31, 5:43 PM #5
Looks good for a first-time MS3Der. It's more of a 2D model right now, once you move into more 3D aspects, and develope barrels, rounded edges, and more detailed conjunction points.

Looks good for a first model though.


"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2003-08-31, 6:22 PM #6
Even 2d wise theres alot of mis proportions. Like the stock to the main body. And yea, get the barrel, plus you also need the bolt/lock assembly thingy ontop.

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

The Magician Saber System.

The 2 riddle!
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2003-09-01, 4:50 AM #7
Let's say that's artistic freedom. I think this could become a good model, but, as mentiond, there should be more 3D aspects, especially on top of the gun.

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-09-01, 5:58 AM #8
Just a quick update:
The model you see there has 200 polys (and yes I know that isn't alot.)
The new SVT I am working on has 372 polys without any beveling. It looks much better []
thanks for the comments, they have helped alot

I love the smell of dflt.mat in the morning
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2003-09-01, 10:51 AM #9
major improvements on stock and around the chamber area.
I love the smell of dflt.mat in the morning

[This message has been edited by MBeggar (edited September 01, 2003).]
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2003-09-02, 5:41 AM #10
I see red "X"s everywhere []

Project Leader of:

JK KungFu Edtion
2003-09-02, 5:49 AM #11
Really?? Excuse me for being harsh, but i don't nearly see any difference...

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...

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