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ForumsShowcase → Mmmmm... Cavey!
Mmmmm... Cavey!
2003-09-01, 5:47 AM #1
Hallo! I wish I could show pics of my last level, but I encountered an error in that and ditched it. But, I'm starting again, and now I know how to avoid those errors!

Had to brighten it a bit so you can see whats going on. This is that starting point, you are dropped off by your ship here on a little ledge.

Down there is the impossible-to-see-because-of-stupid-JPG-compression bottom of the hole at the starting point.

Cliff that goes alongside the aforementioned hole. It leads to...

This room. Ahead: Two passages that lead out of caves. It's a maze. To the right: next shot, please, Gunther...


This is the left of the aforementioned two passages.

This is the right one. Skylight for some visibility.

More to come.
2003-09-01, 5:55 AM #2
HOLY CARP!! I just realized that my topic name sounds like I'm having an affair with CaveDemon!!! [] I meant to say Mmmm... dark and cave-ish... Happy? []

To the direct right of the skylight, you see a brilliant use of cave system. Remember that waterfall? Well, that is it's passage. It has a small leak, as you can see.

Secret place! I won't tell you where it is, I'm sure you can guess it's location from the skylight *cough* seen to the left... []

That's all, folks! I assure you, there will be none of those bloody little minemonsters. This cave part will focus more on gett through the cave before your batteries run out. []
2003-09-01, 6:00 AM #3
Well, sorry to dissapoint you...
2003-09-01, 6:00 AM #4
argh..... I thought I was going to see pics of cavey...
2003-09-01, 6:02 AM #5
Zell, i don't know what you want with this level, but having those goggles turned on ALL THE TIME makes it no fun to play. So don't think you have an excuse for bad lighting!! []

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-09-01, 6:04 AM #6
The caves part is gonna be short. I promise. The rest is well lit and Imperial!

[EDIT: Plus, there will be various sources of illumination in the caves.]

[This message has been edited by Zell (edited September 01, 2003).]
2003-09-01, 7:54 AM #7
Do you have some screenies from that? []

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-09-01, 8:20 AM #8
More! More! More!

What's that spae there?...

It's the starting point! I made the cave systems loop around back to the starting point, 'cause it's cool. []

Here's a dead R5 with a battery, because by the time you reach this point, unless you know exactly where you're going or had force speed on the whole time, your batteries are most likely going to be mostly dead.

Here's an in-editor wireframe of the whole level so far. This is a day and a half's work right here.

[EDIT: Gothic, as you can see, I don't have any part of the imperial stuff done. But I know exactly how it'll be done.]

[This message has been edited by Zell (edited September 01, 2003).]
2003-09-01, 9:02 AM #9
I just added this area here:

By the time you reach this (right after the dead R5), the caves are halfway done. I can reach this area in 10 seconds going straight to it, but if you wander around trying to find it, your whole battery may be dead. Thank goodness for that extra battery at the R5 [].
2003-09-01, 9:41 AM #10
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Zell:
HOLY CARP!! I just realized that my topic name sounds like I'm having an affair with CaveDemon!!!</font>

That was in fact the first thing I thought off [] I was already surprised Cavey didn't mention any of that when I spoke to him 3 minutes ago []

Looks especially dark, but it should, since caves aren't known for their lightsources.

Call me Vedder.
Author of: A Pirate's Tale (Mots SP)
APT homepage
<phantom> You're always going to be aloser if you attempt to aspire to massassi standards.
<phantom> They're a bunch of socially inadequate <beep> whores who have little or no lives.
APT 1, 2, 3/4, 5/6
2003-09-01, 9:44 AM #11
Heh, yeah, it's a small cave, on a dark planet with only two moons for any light source. The imperial base will be well lit, have no worries.
2003-09-01, 9:47 AM #12
Just a thought, maybe add some small mining lamps, left by the miners?

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-09-01, 10:10 AM #13
Miners? Who said there were any miners here? Miners are overdone in cave-ish levels.
2003-09-01, 1:24 PM #14
This looks like it could be quite fun. Keep it up

2003-09-01, 2:43 PM #15
Mkay. Thanks, that's like the first time anyones ever said anything about a map of mine. I feel special. []
2003-09-01, 3:59 PM #16

2003-09-01, 8:29 PM #17
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Zell:
Mkay. Thanks, that's like the first time anyones ever said anything about a map of mine. I feel special. []</font>

After your GTK struggle, you should.. []

And for that miners idea, it was just a thought to bring a LITTLE more light into the level.. it looks a bit too dark to me now (While i usually like darkness... [])

In case you didn't notice in the post above; my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-09-02, 2:00 AM #18

Me, bringer of headache since 26.6.1986
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2003-09-02, 2:55 AM #19
Nice caves... Any chance of getting lost in them?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2003-09-02, 11:56 AM #20
Hello Cavey! []

2003-09-03, 7:37 AM #21
Sorry for my absence... My brother hogged the computer all day yesterday, so I didn't get a chance to edit. Plus, school started yesterday. Yay. []

The caves are now big enough to easily lose your battery power, so you'll have to stumble around in the dark, unless you're efficient and find those extra batteries. And for the last time, it's gonna stay dark! The idea is to quickly get through the caves before your batteries run out! There are no minemonsters, though, be glad of that. []

More updates in a sec.

[EDIT: Hey CaveDemon! My birthday is June 26, too! We must be long lost twins... *hushed silence* Never mind. [] ]

[This message has been edited by Zell (edited September 03, 2003).]
2003-09-03, 11:19 AM #22

2003-09-03, 12:38 PM #23
Uh... one more sec, when I'm ready, I'll show you the end of the caves. Yay! []

[EDIT: Taking long enough to compile? Sheesh!]

[This message has been edited by Zell (edited September 03, 2003).]
2003-09-03, 4:55 PM #24
I would kill you if you put minemonsters in it !! *shudders*


"Bantha's are filthy animals.......I don't eat filthy animals."

"Laugh it up Fuzzball!"
-Han Solo
2003-09-04, 1:42 AM #25
Mine monsters in dark tunnels... I like the idea... []
That looks good zell! So is the caves part a small part of the level and the base main thing? I'm making that kind of level too... though you start at imperial base and then go trough caves...

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-04, 1:45 AM #26
Woah wait... zell are you using JK2radiant or is that in-editor pic just GTK with the colors changed?

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Valley of the Jedi Tower Smaug's Lair
2003-09-04, 10:51 AM #27
Yes... I have made all those topics in the JO editing forums titled "GTKRadiant problems", but I've been secretly using JK2Radiant all the time! [] GTKRadiant 1.3.11. That shot is in-editor, with the camera view set to wireframe rendering.

Yeah, you are dropped off at a small cliffside, and must make your way through the aves to the Imperial part. I just started working on the imperial part.
2003-09-04, 2:14 PM #28
Some more. These shots show off the end of the caves *tan-tan-taraaa!*.

Here we are at the place I last showed you...

I used noclip here. I turned on the IR goggles and back off again to clarify where the passage I just showed you goes. The black parts are the caves.

The end of the aforementioned passage. Goodness me, what do I see? (That rhymes, two times!)

Oh... a waterslide. Gee.


The darkness at the end of the tunnel!

You can tell I like waterfalls. The suspense builds! You have not yet seen the rest of the area you have just been plopped in! OH MY!
2003-09-04, 2:21 PM #29


Here we are again in the void. I had the IR goggles on and off again to show how it is. This shot just happens to show the whole level so far. Near the beginning, where you can see the sky, you may be able to pick out the first cave part. then, you see a small canyon. That seperates the caves parts. After that, you see the looping cave part No. 2, with the hard-to-find exit that leads to the waterslide. That long green "snake" is the waterslide, which leads to that big@$$ room with the bumpy walls. Seeseesee!!?

3300 brushes so far... 25-ish% done. Caves are done. Now for the Imps. Whee. []
2003-09-04, 2:37 PM #30
Love the color of the lighting in the waterslide, maybe a tad too bright though for the fact that there are no visible light sources.

Very nice so far, can't wait to see the imp base []

2003-09-04, 3:38 PM #31
You should have logical light sources in that water slide cave, in the cieling. Then using the proper radiosity settings, the water will project light of it's color onto the walls.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2003-09-04, 4:25 PM #32
Hey, it's my level, my planet, my light sources. [] The idea is that the water itself emits light. It has some molecule properties similar to those glowing crystals on Artus.
2003-09-05, 5:57 AM #33
The water fall looks great, and the lightning in the water tunnel great too. But the rock walls in the waterfall room just look somehow wrong...

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-05, 7:57 AM #34
Hmmm.. I still say there should be more light in the cave [] Maybe just some cracks in the ceiling where light comes through.. ah well. As well, i think the lighting of your waterfall looks bad. It looks very.. static... Try getting the lighting to look more dynamic.

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-05, 1:09 PM #35
Static? The lights flicker with the water, ya know... I think it looks great. Next shots I post will be on a new topic, this one has about 20 pics. But not now, I feel like finishing this book here...
2003-09-05, 4:01 PM #36
I think the rock walls look great, Heke. In which way are they...wrong?

And which book are you reading, Zell?

2003-09-06, 12:00 AM #37
I couldn't say why the walls look wrong. But that's because the poor lighting doesn't let me see them.

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-06, 5:41 AM #38
The map is supposed to be dark!! It's a dark planet by default, with alomost no light sources! No sun! The best light source on the whole planet is the water. So please quit *****ing at me about poor lighting. Yes, I know the lighting is a tad bright at places around the walls in the big room, I'll fix that.

And I'm re-reading Doctor Who: Vanderdeken's Children. Such a great and creepy book. []

[EDIT: I finished the book last night, so now I'll work on the Imp base. Yay. []]

[This message has been edited by Zell (edited September 06, 2003).]
2003-09-08, 11:03 AM #39

Excuse me.

2003-09-08, 11:12 AM #40
[] What was that for?

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