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ForumsShowcase → Imperial mines, the remake.
Imperial mines, the remake.
2003-09-05, 2:57 AM #1
I'm currently remaking my imperial mines levels. Adding more areas, for example, this time you start outside the mine instead starting inside the mine already. I'm making custom scripts, sounds and cutscenes. Here's few shots what I have done:
This one is from the mine part where imperials have storages and small control centers:
These three shots are from the outside area:

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-05, 4:48 AM #2
Looks pretty good but it desperately needs better lighting.

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-05, 5:56 AM #3
I was going to add some spotlights near the shuttle, but in which parts I should improve the lightning? Should I increase it or decrease it?

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-05, 8:00 AM #4
Hmm.. I'd say increase; but my main problem with the lighting was merely the lights on what looks as an entrance in shot nr 3. Oh, and your rocky walls don't look rocky. Try to make them less flat (vertex editing, i.e.)

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-05, 9:12 AM #5
yes, the walls aren't rocky enough and I'm going to improve it. It's going to be something like the rock near the slime. And behind the shuttle, the rock is made rocky.

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-05, 12:10 PM #6
I agree about the walls. They're to uniform

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2003-09-05, 4:17 PM #7
Very nice on the slime area overall. So is this just a remake of the first two (three?) or are you adding more as you go along?

2003-09-06, 6:33 AM #8
going to make the level series full. And this time I release them in 1 or 2 packages.

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-06, 11:00 PM #9
Now give us some more screenies to keep this thread alive!! []

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-07, 2:45 AM #10
*sigh* ok, here are some new shots, but these areas are on development:
The last pic is form cutscene. Now here's some old picies:
Yes, this one was the one with the typo error,thanks for Gothicx pointing it out! (my english teacher isn't too my best friend...):
And these are the old shots from the mines where imperials haw just dug:
the area in the last 2 picies doesn't look like that anymore, because JK2radiant messed it up...(My fault)


[This message has been edited by Heke7 (edited September 07, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Heke7 (edited September 07, 2003).]
There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-07, 2:49 AM #11
omq. You're orange saber produces blue glow?? [] And as with the others, better lighting, no lightspots. Imperial bases (I assume this is one) usually are lit that way, there are only minor dark places.

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-07, 2:59 AM #12
The saber thingie is a real problem... I want an orange saber, but this saber is done by just renaming all the blue saber files in the gfx folder as orange... The another way to do it works,(the way AK piggot told at lucasforums)But it has this side effect that takes my music out after 2 seconds and plays the menu music instead. AND if I die, and haven't saved and respawn, the saber is then blue... I'd like to know what files give the blue color to the saber and blue slashing effect... And for the lightning, it's still under development, and if you would look at the kejim_post map, there's NO lights at the hallways of kejim... They used somekind lightning that is putted in the worldspawn...

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-07, 3:06 AM #13
Worldspawn lighting? Nope. They just didn't use shaders with it. And for the problem of a colorchange afterdeath, just make the player spawn in a checkpoint.

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-12, 7:21 AM #14
Few new shots:
Two shots from office of one of the imperial commander:
Two shots from the living quarters:
Corridor to living quarters:


[This message has been edited by Heke7 (edited September 12, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Heke7 (edited September 12, 2003).]
There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-12, 8:05 AM #15
Nice architecture, though a little plain in some places, but dogibbles, some of those textures look wrong/out of place.. especially the last shot. Oh, and WHY is the officer's room Bespin-themed? It doesn't quite fit with the rest of your level.... Also, do the stormies wake up/stand up when you start fighting? And now tell me what those two... thingies in the last shot are (back of the room) []

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-12, 8:05 AM #16
Forgot to say, add some patch meshes to the beds to represent blankets...

The law doesn't want you to steal. Because the government doesn't want any competition.
2003-09-12, 8:48 AM #17
Besbin theme is becaus eI lked to put it like... well... More elegant than the rooms of the other officers, and much better looking than the rooms of stormies. Just realized that the pillows are too big. I'd put blankets at officer quarters, but i don't think that stormies need them... Maybe. The textures over the doors at the last shot are out of place, until I find some better ones. I also just made a decicion this level will be guns only, and you can go stealthy or jus blast yor way trough enemies(which will be hard...)

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-12, 8:57 AM #18
So it isn't a remake anymore, actually...?

In case you didn't notice in the post above, my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-09-12, 9:23 AM #19
Not really, but the basic idea is...

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-12, 11:01 AM #20
It's the Special Edition!

"I couldn't achieve in my level series, Imperial Mines, what I really wanted to. I didn't know my way around Radiant enough. But now, with Jedi Academy releasing soon and my knowledge of Radiant better, I can finally get what I wanted to!"

Or something of that nature parodying the interview with George Lucas about the Special Editions of the trilogy...

I think the crystals give off too much light near the elevator shaft.

Television is my only friend.

[This message has been edited by Hard_Driver (edited September 12, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Hard_Driver (edited September 12, 2003).]
[Insert the wittiest, most cynical thing you will ever lay eyes on here.]
2003-09-13, 3:48 AM #21
Ha! I have the same idea as you, having stormies sit and do shtuff!

....Except you got it to work... []
2003-09-13, 5:01 AM #22
Not fully... they run to the ammorack at sitting position [], looks funny... ANyways, I'm going to add a bathroom too... But I don't want to seem like I would be copying your ideas...

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-13, 5:40 AM #23
That's exactly like my script... are you sure you didn't take it from my thread in the JO editing forum?
2003-09-13, 5:55 AM #24
Hmm... If I remember right, I made that script to you... Though it didn't work fully... I'm going to add kitchen, and eating room too, and maybe somekind of small cantina. I also add officer quarters, which will be better places than stormie quarters.

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-13, 5:57 AM #25
yeah, Zell, Heke7 actually gave you that script. []

In case you didn't notice in the post above, my English teacher is NOT my best friend...
2003-09-13, 7:13 AM #26
Er... you did? I coulda sworn it was GothicX... Sorry. []
2003-09-13, 10:13 AM #27
Heke7 I think the glow for the lightsaber is in the base/menu/art folder. Ive been trying to make a black saber myself. And yes there is such thing as a black saber.

Good. Bad. Im the guy with the gun.
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2003-09-13, 11:23 AM #28
hehehe i think thats for multiplayer. Dont listen to that advice.

Good. Bad. Im the guy with the gun.
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2003-09-13, 11:25 AM #29
I am glad you are doing a remake. The maps you made were okay, but they weren't natural/logical. Your new stuff looks a lot better.

Multiplayer Game Alias: II88BlackOps
I CAN'T WAIT FOR JK3, DX2, AND HL2. Play ET at the 58 player Nombliz server!
Corrupted Paths, my WIP for JO. Screens here:

My quote: "People choose to side with the left, and the others choose to side with the right. I go forward."
2003-09-13, 9:05 PM #30
Thanks for your comments. I myself firstly planned doing the fourth part, but then I realized how poorly done my levels were done... So it's like special edition, just like hard_driver said. The remake consist MUCH more areas, MUCH more longer levels, puzzles, cutscenes and etc. Thanks Xisor, bu tI had just day ago decided that I'll make this level as guns only... The guns only is because I want to make it so that you can go stealthy... with saber it's too easy to blast your way trough.

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-13, 9:06 PM #31
btw, just noticed how similar mine and zells levels are from basic idea... Zell has "from caves to base" and I have "from base to caves". Both have similar things...

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-14, 4:10 AM #32
When does this all take place? Would it make sense for Kyle to still be using nothing but guns?

Television is my only friend.
[Insert the wittiest, most cynical thing you will ever lay eyes on here.]
2003-09-14, 4:12 AM #33
The player is not going to be kyle. I haven't got time to change the player model, but the player will be some sort rebel agent.

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.
2003-09-15, 2:10 PM #34

This randomness was brought to you by Generic Brand Dog Biscuits. Making Sparky puke all over the carpet since 1986!
[Insert the wittiest, most cynical thing you will ever lay eyes on here.]
2003-09-15, 2:15 PM #35

[url= [url="]0_0[/url]"]]0_0[/url][/url]
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2003-09-15, 4:27 PM #36
Cant wait to play. I only downloaded one of them but because you are making remakes i will play those when they are in.

Why wont you be a good boy and die? - various movies
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2003-09-15, 9:16 PM #37
Xisor, you could download all my levels, because this will be much more different... It still has the old areas, but it will look bit different with new areas, better archi, cutscenes etc.

There 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary arithmetics, and those who don't.

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