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ForumsShowcase → I didn't even hear a time difference
I didn't even hear a time difference
2003-09-27, 2:55 PM #1
The Xerrol Oblivion Sniper Rifle. Only known weapon to be able to fire a projectile into hyperspace. Uniquely designed, but with serious drawbacks, only one round that has to be loaded into the chamber after every fire. And the chamber is clamped down inside the weapon, so therefore the weapon must be bolt action. Okay, enough with the ugly typed data, here it is. Go look.

Whatcha think?

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

The Magician Saber System.

The 2 riddle!

edit - updated shots

[This message has been edited by Descent_pilot (edited September 28, 2003).]
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2003-09-27, 3:00 PM #2
Looks cool, maybe a little boxy... consider rounding out the butt.

Mystic0's Editing resources
Temple of Flames

The Massassi Post Count Summary
"I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!"
2003-09-27, 5:05 PM #3
How on earth would a ghetto-gun like that shoot a bullet into hyperspace? Would hyperspace even work in a gravity well? Etc.?

My signature puts the 'hat' in 'phat'.
2003-09-27, 5:23 PM #4
Good god its freakin FICTION. none of that crap could ever happen in our lifetime.

I perfer him to become a jedi, look into the shaft of his saber and say "mesa jedi" and turn it on, impaling his head and making the theatre erupt in laughter
-Jar Jar Binks Death Description from Yecti.
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2003-09-27, 5:50 PM #5
I don't know, rounding out would help,. I don't know what the gun actually looks like, but it looks really bland.

Punktkerbe |
2003-09-27, 8:29 PM #6
The Galaxy Gun.
The Galaxy Gun was the first weapon to utilize Hyperspace as an intentional weapon, disregarding the various ancient devices of possibly simmilar use.
Yeah, the projectile would first have to pass out of the gravity well, or have an inertial dampner attached it. Or perhaps...
Perhaps there's a powerful Hyperdrive and Inertial dampner at the end of the gun, in reverse order. The bullet hits the dampning field, comes to a complete stop, then gets propelled into Hyperspace. But then it would have to drop out. So each bullet would have to have an internal computer, in which case it might as well have an internal inertial dampner, and might as well be a missle, and thusly might as well be the GG2.

-Or just plop the Inertial dampner at the end of the gun and let suspension of disbelief do the rest.

It's our All-American product. We got the idea from the Germans. The French hate it. It goes for half in Canada. The English have a version, but it's not so hot. There's cheap knockoffs in India. The Japanese are devolping a sleeker, sexier model. Made in China.
2003-09-28, 5:13 AM #7
Well, I've gotten the handle done, take a l00ksee now.

[edit]Updated screenies above[/edit]

Never heard of The Galaxy Gun. Give me wherever its located and I'll take a look. And don't ask me to explain the dynamics, it is just how it is, deal with it. []

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

The Magician Saber System.

The 2 riddle!

[This message has been edited by Descent_pilot (edited September 28, 2003).]
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2003-09-28, 5:51 AM #8
I'm thinking that the but doesn't have to be strait up and down, but could be at this sort of an angle: / so it fit better into someone's arm.

Looks good otherwise, and I'm glad you're using MS3D :-D (BTW, Right click and disable the grid and axis next time, just looks better. Oh, and you honestly don't need to take shots in fullscreen, just lags the 56Kers :-D)


"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2003-09-28, 1:39 PM #9
Posted some updated/revised shots up top. This is mostly the completed model.

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

The Magician Saber System.

The 2 riddle!
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2003-09-28, 5:52 PM #10
Much better.
The Galaxy Gun was featured in the single greatest SW comic of all time, Dark Empire.

-I'm certain that has a little something about it.

It's our All-American product. We got the idea from the Germans. The French hate it. It goes for half in Canada. The English have a version, but it's not so hot. There's cheap knockoffs in India. The Japanese are devolping a sleeker, sexier model. Made in China.
2003-09-28, 8:39 PM #11
The scope is too small and the butt doesn't look like it's far enough away from the handle

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2003-09-29, 2:15 PM #12
I like how you worked "Xerrol" into the name :0. nice model.

2003-09-29, 3:09 PM #13
Hyperspace travel is impossible inside a gravity well, such as the natural ones formed by planets, or the unnatural ones formed by Interdictor Cruisers or any other ship that has gravity well projectors.

So, unless the gun was being used in deep space, it wouldnt work as advertised.

Even if it did, going into hyperspace is a bit overkill.. I mean, a good hyperdrive could travel across the galaxy in a couple of days, I beleive, so for an infantry weapon to have hyperspace cabalities would be more or less pointless...

Good model, however, though I would suggest adding a bit more detail (like buttons or something, I dunno, I know alot of that can be handled with textures, but whatever) Also, you mi8ght want to add a forward grip thing that is discernable from the rest of the gun, and perhaps add a folding bipod thing at the end (of course, depending on what this is for, it might not actually fold out in-game, it'd just look cool and add more detail)

2003-09-29, 3:39 PM #14
Utterly devoid of any appeal whatsoever.
2003-09-29, 3:55 PM #15
I tsounds cool, but when I think about it... the bullets travel darn fast anyways. By the time you get one of those babies loaded, aimed at me, and in hyperspace, I'll have killed you. KTHXDIE XD.

But, all will be forgiven if it uses cool SFX and graphics. []

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!
Website is working again. (Somewhat.)

2003-09-30, 4:50 AM #16
Crape, I knew I forgot something. [] Will work on bipod.... Okay, lets look at the hyperspace thing. The gavity wells only effects the hyperdrive engines and pulls a ship out of hyperspace because its built in as a warning so you don't smash your ship into that planet. Hyperspace is just a term that means you're traveling faster then the speed of light, so it just means the bullet is traveling faster then others. Good for really long distance shots, don't have to worry about wind, gravity, and movement of target. No?

Also, will have cool fxs (well, as good as I can make JK have anyways [])

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

The Magician Saber System.

The 2 riddle!
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2003-09-30, 5:07 AM #17
because light-speed is is impossible, hyperspace means that a new dimension is created.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Thrawn42689:
GothicX is the best n00b ever.
2003-09-30, 6:54 AM #18
Well, if the fact that hyperdrives don't go into hyperspace when they encounter gravity wells is because of a little safety feature... why are gravity wells used so effectively by the imperial navy when all the rebels would have to do is disable the safety?

Actually, I don't really care heh. Just give it those FX. []

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!
Website is working again. (Somewhat.)

2003-09-30, 6:37 PM #19
The Gravity Well IS the Mass Shadow that you crash into, because physical objects in Real Space have no other form in Hyperspace.

-And a powerful Intertial dampner would work, but the bullet would stop it's movement first.

It's our All-American product. We got the idea from the Germans. The French hate it. It goes for half in Canada. The English have a version, but it's not so hot. There's cheap knockoffs in India. The Japanese are devolping a sleeker, sexier model. Made in China.
2003-10-01, 8:45 AM #20
Physics is great.

Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2003-10-01, 10:30 AM #21
That whole light thing...Is a Theroy...

Every time I see an old lady fall my first instinct is to laugh, but then I thought what if I was an ant and she fell on me, that wouldn't be very funny
2003-10-01, 11:05 AM #22
I'm sorry, but I just have to say it, the handle and stock are terrible. They need to be less clunky, more slender. Just my 2 cents.

Member of the Minneassian Council

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