If anyone finds anything wrong with what I'm saying or doesn't agree, please speak up. Long help ahead comming from a medium/bad vet.
Okay, looking at the wireframe, merge and redo some of those surfaces! First, will usually lower poly count, if not will lower vertex count, and can improve (and mostly does) lighting effects. Second, while the handle design is okay, you shouldn't make it with the sharp corners, what I do is make it otagonal to round it off, ie I just cut the corners off. Third, also do that with the clip (or make it a drum mag), and you can make the clip close to the length of the ejector. Forth, if thats not a stock at the end and instead its a bolt, my idea is move it onto the body of the gun and put a stock there, else that won't cut it as a stock, maybe make it thicker then rotate it 90 on the Y then add a bolt. Fifth and final
make your tigger guard alittle thinner and longer, to me it would look like it would be painful.
Okay, I'm done now, happy huntin... I mean blow lotta stuff up! *evil smile*
The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
The Magician Saber System.
The 2 riddle!
[This message has been edited by Descent_pilot (edited October 07, 2003).]