I also promise that we won't stop.
btw Cazor... I was dueling a few guys in JA yesterday, told them about the mod.....
So one guy kept saying "tell TheChosenOne to put so-and-so or this-and-that in the mod"
so eventually I was like "the chosen one?"
He said, "yeah...that's the team leader"...
I say "never heard of him"
He says "you don't know your own mod team leader?"
I reply "obviously that's a different mod..."
he responds "Dude it's
his mod.
.......so basically, is there another mod? HE seemed to think I had stolen 'The Matrix: Unplugged" as the title... that it was the title of this other mod.
You'll notice I used to be in Jon`C's sig. This is because he wished to transfer my awesome might to himself. Clearly he realized such trasnfer is impossible. --oSiRiS
-Adding a bit of humor (as well as a bit of oSiRiS's might?)