I finished playing this yesterday, I thought it was very good, especially starting from level 2 (as you said you were getting better...)
- Take out the Raven's Claw in the first level. It made me think I had to get there.
- As I said before, don't give Kyle lightning... have him get it on the second or third level.
- In the fourth level, where you have to jump across the chasm as pictured in the main menu... I could never make hte jump from the tram thing to the battery thing, the rafter above sometimes got in my way, other times I just couln't jump far enough... I suggest movinng the battery thing closer. [Edit: Whoops! I just read your walkthrough and realized I was doing it wrong! Lol, I never thought about doing it THAT way...] [Edit 2: I read it more closely... I never say a second cart. At all. You might want to look into that...]
- The story is lacking... maybe you could spice it up by changing it from Kyle and Lando to some random Jedi and his friend...I find Kyle is very often overused, a new character is always welcomed however! I liked the cutscenes that you did, using the original voices... oh, and you need something in there to explain the clones... (I'm not gonna name who is being cloned, I wanna keep it a surprise for those who haven't played.
) Why are the imperials doing this? How did they manage to get a genetic sample? A convo cutsceen (yes you'd have to get voice actore ^_^) would work well to convey this information. - Some places you have 4 or even 5 shadowtroopers at once! I believe the most at any point should be 3... I suggest you remove some of the shadowtroopers, I thought there were too many in the big pit level...
Of course I'm just nit picking. Your levels ere fun to play, and the part at the end where Kyle take a second out of his time to fire on the hanger was neat...
And as I always say, it's your levels, not mine, I have no business telling you how to make them, so don't feel obligated to make my requested tweaks!
But maybe you can touch this up for a final, formal release when it's submitted to levels@massassi.net?
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[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 28, 2003).]
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