Advice from a graphic designer...less is more. Sure the eye candy is nice I'll give you that, but as a whole the piece needs some work. The transition from the R into the M is a great idea but then Mod is in lower case and kinda breaks the unity you set up. Keep in mind where youre going to use is also. For a website, the only way youll get it to function is to have a border around it as you bleed to the edge, and this may be my opinion but borders are kinda tacky especially with modern design. Keep at it man, dont feel like you need to show off every possible photoshop technique or filter or whatever youre using and cram it into the logo. This makes the piece feel very busy, to the point of chaos. Again, less is more. I like your aggresiveness, keep working
"Count the Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums..."
[This message has been edited by JEDI-Salvation (edited October 23, 2003).]
"...Those living for death will die by their own hand, Life's no ordeal if you come to terms, Reject the system dictating the norms..."