The following is an account of armor makage.
When last showing off some armor I was asked how it was done/where it started... So I dug up the previously saved versions of the file.
Hand drawn (took about 1 & 1/2 hours) notice the left and right sides are different design styles... the idea was two have two variations of the same armor. (which may just come later)
Some colorization, a bit of constrasting and lighting.
Sepia tone, a bit of smoothing and constrasting.
A bit of colorizing, resized to 256x256 copied portion of the left side and mirrored to the right, this was done so that any alpha blending wouldn't give me texture problems on the mirrored skin.
Enlargifieded added some light noise on a transparent layer.
6+ hours of work on a size 1 pixel darken/lighten tool, and a touch of color/lighting.
The mesh:
When last showing off some armor I was asked how it was done/where it started... So I dug up the previously saved versions of the file.
Hand drawn (took about 1 & 1/2 hours) notice the left and right sides are different design styles... the idea was two have two variations of the same armor. (which may just come later)
Some colorization, a bit of constrasting and lighting.
Sepia tone, a bit of smoothing and constrasting.
A bit of colorizing, resized to 256x256 copied portion of the left side and mirrored to the right, this was done so that any alpha blending wouldn't give me texture problems on the mirrored skin.
Enlargifieded added some light noise on a transparent layer.
6+ hours of work on a size 1 pixel darken/lighten tool, and a touch of color/lighting.
The mesh: