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ForumsShowcase → Patch Enforcer Beta 2
Patch Enforcer Beta 2
2003-10-28, 8:18 AM #1

Patch Enforcer public beta 2! ^_^

First, I think I need just a little snippit of legal stuff...

TERMS OF USE: By clicking the link above and downloading the file, you agree to not distribute it to people other than regulars, and to not post it on any website. You also sgree to post at least one bug report (even if you just say you found no bugs) on this thread. Thanks for your cooperation.

I just need some bug reports, then I can release the final release! yey. []

One thing that isn't in this beta (because I forgot it) that will be in the final relase, is a mIRC script which allows Patch Enforcer to integrade with MassServ (if GhostOfYoda ever remakes it... he requested the integration feature []) and my own bot, MegaServ (which right now is emulating the features MassServ had). Basically, if you arrange a JK game using MegaServ on #massgames, then when you join hte game Patch Enforcer will launch automatically... this is optional of course. []

On a side note, gammasts is developing a version of Patch Enforcer to be integrated with mIRC. His is completely unrelated from mine and unsupported by me, for the record. It too will taske advantage of the Mega/MassServ-PE feature.

One last thing... in addition to bug reports, I need ned icons from the toolbar. The on/off icons for the patches I like, but if someone could make new toolbar buttons (I know Cave Demon volunteered too a looooong time ago) it would be GREATLY appreciated. The button icons are in the form of BMP files, right in the zip.

Bug reports? Comments? Feature requests? (FYI I'm not gonna do patch conflicts right now... I might do it for a later release.)

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 28, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited October 28, 2003).]

2003-10-28, 8:23 AM #2
JO/JA support. It needs JO/JA support. :P

Endurance of Hatred
2003-10-28, 8:27 AM #3
Ah yes, I forgot about that. []

Not for this relase I'm afraid... I'll put that on my todo list right after conflicting patches. []

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 28, 2003).]

2003-10-28, 8:29 AM #4
my pants weren't supported. quite frankly, i'm a bit peeved.

anywho, i'll dig up my jk cds and install teh jk on this system, and give your proggie a chance.

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2003-10-28, 11:34 AM #5
Make conflict a toggleable option, And I can do your icons for you.
[Edit: If you want me to]

"In the memory you'll find me. Eyes burning up.
The darkness holding me tightly.
Untill the sun rises up."

[This message has been edited by Oberfeldwebell (edited October 28, 2003).]
*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2003-10-28, 1:13 PM #6
wrar, download not worky wrar, i'll try making some icons for yea

'Good against Evil, Youth against Age, Life against Death, Light against Darkness, Army against Army , Foe against Foe, Injury against Injury... Ever shall the wise man ponder on the conflict in this world.' Anon
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2003-10-29, 10:12 AM #7
It's Geo$%^&ies, so make sure to right click the link and hit save as.

For the icons... tjhey have to be BMP, non transdparent (I tried to find a way to make them transparent, but the library I use is too high-level to be able to do that).

The following are buttons in PE that have icons:
- Install Patch
- Delete Patch
- Refresh Patch List
- Run JK with Patch
- Run JK without Patch
- Run MotS with Patch
- Run MotS without Patch
- Exit PE

Thanks for offering to make icons Genki! []

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 28, 2003).]

2003-10-31, 1:52 PM #8
The PE for mIRC is almost finished for beta testing. There are parts that load faster than the original and there are parts that do not load faster. The initial startup is faster, however initially loading mods into it takes longer. I have split up the JK and MotS mods into separate windows (easily switchable with one click) because it keeps things loading faster and makes the flow of reading easier. All mod's descriptions are saved to a text file, so if you want to insert a description so it does not have to load it initially you may do so. You can also change them.
Mass/MegaServ is supported so when you join the game, it will automatically call up PE and switch to that game. If I can get it, I will make it so the ip address is copied to the clipboard. In the future I may add support to have a mod already loaded.

For those of you wanting a version for JO/JA I might add that too. I was thinking about it anyways today.

A computer's worst nightmare:
A computer's worst nightmare:

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2003-11-01, 2:57 AM #9
IP address copied to the ciplboard!!!

Wonderful idea, I'll add that in to MegaServ. [] I'll talk to you more about the technical details on IRC.

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! - Under Construction
NEW! PHP implementation underway!

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited December 28, 2003).]

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