Yes I already knew all that, took me about a day to figure out though. However, pretty water is the least of my worries now.
My issue: The two 3do's are supposed to be exactly the same, just flipped. That's exactly what I did to make the other one. Why is it then, that a few surfaces in one of the 3do's I can't walk on and make me fall through, while the rest work fine? I've checked all of the surface and sector flags before I exported, and they're all the same, so now I'm like, "Double-yoo Tee Eff, mate?"
See here (Not the best picture, the surfaces I have highlighted are not the only ones, the rest are behind them.):
I will have more to showcase soon.
[edit: grammar]
[This message has been edited by RingMaster481 (edited November 16, 2003).]