So I was playing online pictionary (, when all of a sudden it's my turn to draw, and I am to draw an ox. "Great", I thought, "This is going to be easy." I started to quickly drw the outline when it tells me I'm disconnected.
So I just continued the picture, using their crappy paint tools. It actually came out pretty good, I thought, considering I have a palette of 24 colors.
The pencil was put in afterward because I was bored.
Have a good one,
[This message has been edited by Freelancer (edited December 01, 2003).]
So I just continued the picture, using their crappy paint tools. It actually came out pretty good, I thought, considering I have a palette of 24 colors.
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Have a good one,
[This message has been edited by Freelancer (edited December 01, 2003).]
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009