The concept is simple. It's a level pack with nothing but rail detonators and rail charges. I wanted to include adapted versions of canyon oasis and battleground jedi in the pack, and I figured, since I'm gonna throw them in, I might as well give them a facelift.
-sexy new textures
-sexy new powerups
-sexy jump pads in oasis
-sexy music from dark tempests 4 and 7
-lots of blue
I'm probably gonna give the rail detonator a facelift as well.
When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
-sexy new textures
-sexy new powerups
-sexy jump pads in oasis
-sexy music from dark tempests 4 and 7
-lots of blue
I'm probably gonna give the rail detonator a facelift as well.
When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.