It's simple to make regular images into matrix text. All you have to do is take the image, save it as a .psd, then make a displacement map. Here's how:
Open the image.
Change the color mode to multichannel (Image>>Mode>>Multichanel), then go into channels (If it's not in the window with History, Layers, and action, then go to Windows>>Show Channels).
Delete the yellow channel. Select the Magenta channel and use the move tool to move it a bit up and to the left. If you want to, you can apply a light gaussian blur to make it less "edgy".
Now save the picture and get some Matrix code. Here's the fun part:
Open the Matrix code picture, then change the image size to that of your original picture (Image>>Image Size) and then apply the dmap. Filter>>Distortions>>Displacement, and set it for, say, 25 percent, then select the displacement map you created. Ta da, matrix code suitably distorted.
Here's a good effect: make a new layer in the picture that's completely empty. Then, make a gradient that goes from solid color to total transperancy. Then, use the "select layer" (ctrl click the layer) tool on the distorted matrix code. Copy it and paste it onto the image you made the displacement map with, and you'll have a strange faded flook. Very snazzy.
Here's an example: (as self-serving as this may be, it's just for the sake of discussion)
-Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
It's our All-American product. We got the idea from the Germans. The French hate it. It goes for half in Canada. The English have a version, but it's not so hot. There's cheap knockoffs in India. The Japanese are devolping a sleeker, sexier model. Made in China.
[This message has been edited by bearded_jarl (edited December 11, 2003).]