I'm posting the logos I've made in this thread now because:
(1) I'm posting them based on the Massassi address (ie. "http://www.massassi.net/holiday/darthslaw1.gif")
(2) That's why this thread was made!
A brief story or description is offered with each image.
Imitation of the matrix code from the movie, The Matrix, but in the code is hidden twice "Happy Holidays from the Massassi Temple", once horizontally and once vertically. (the horizontal version is MUCH easier to locate)
Darth Maul with his double-bladed lightsaber. One blade is green, the other red, therefore including the two primary Christmas colors.
Based on the "Boardwalk" and "GO" spaces on a Monopoly game board. The colors are green and red (with a little white) for Christmas. The boardwalk is replaced with The Massassi Temple. And don't forget to collect your 200 presents as you pass "GO"!
Depicts Mark McGuire as a jedi. Several stormtroopers and battle droids have had their Christmas vacations cancelled by Count Dookie to take down their new enemy. Mark carries two lightsabers, one green, and the other red (again, for Christmas colors).
007's turn to wish happy holidays. He's dressed for the occasion, too.
Depicts Kyle and Jan sitting on Santa Claus' lap and posing for a photo (don't you wonder what they'd ask for?). Reindog and Snowman not included with your visit to see Santa.
We are Slaw of Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is futile.
-Darth Slaw, Dark Lord of the Borg
[This message has been edited by Darth Slaw (edited November 29, 2003).]
[This message has been edited by Darth Slaw (edited November 29, 2003).]
May the mass times acceleration be with you.