I remember a while back someone was making part of the Tower of Isengard.
Any one know what happend to that map?
Also, there was a web site where they were putting all the LOTR maps & stuff.
Is that stuff still working or has it hallen from our web into Shela's web?
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
Immorality- 1 Cor. 6:18, 2 Tim. 2:22
Impure thoughts- Col. 3:2, Phil. 4:8
Alcohol- Eph. 5:18, Prov. 20:1
Anger- Gal. 5:22, Prov. 20:3
Pride- 1 Peter 5:5, Dan. 4:37
Worry- 1 Peter 5:7, Phil. 4:6-7
speech- James 1:26, Eph. 4:29-5:2
Any one know what happend to that map?
Also, there was a web site where they were putting all the LOTR maps & stuff.
Is that stuff still working or has it hallen from our web into Shela's web?
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
Immorality- 1 Cor. 6:18, 2 Tim. 2:22
Impure thoughts- Col. 3:2, Phil. 4:8
Alcohol- Eph. 5:18, Prov. 20:1
Anger- Gal. 5:22, Prov. 20:3
Pride- 1 Peter 5:5, Dan. 4:37
Worry- 1 Peter 5:7, Phil. 4:6-7
speech- James 1:26, Eph. 4:29-5:2
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."