love the blue-ish and green-ish textures in #6 in your first post
Heh, you should be able to fix that line. It's from how JK does bilinear filtering, it takes the nearest pixel on the mat it's working on(which in this case is the red one on the opposite side of the drape mat), rather than the actual nearest pixel, which may well be on the next texture over if it's next to a non-tiling mat.
What you need to do is make the edge pixels of your mat the same, in this case the very top line of pixels need to be transparent. The bottom parts of the drapes however, where it droops down, touches the bottom of your mat, which will mean you'll have small uneven smears of red at the top of the drape, but the bottom part won't have the line anymore. If you want a smooth upper edge you're going to have to have a transparent bottom edge.
After that move the mat up a bit on the surface so there isn't a gap at the top anymore.
hehe purgatory is probably still my favourite jk level.
what did you get banned for?
Oh I noticed you've padded out those green textures with greyish-stuff, I'm not sure if all the grey stuff is exactly the same to the pixel, because if it isn't you'd have bilinear filtering lines in between those textures as they don't tile with themselves, which is the problem I've got in my level atm :/
you can't really see it good unless you crouch down though, then it becomes rather noticeable...