Everything you've said is no excuse. The Framerate DOES suck, there's no question about that. The voice acting, AS I mentioned in my first post is fine, since no one is getting paid, but if it were possible, I'd tone down some voices, maybe soften them up (There are free programs that can do all of the above).
and when I say scripts, I mean the game scripts, not actor scripts. If you don't have actor scripts, then it's a bit odd anyway, but if you don't use ICARUS, you might run into a few... errors like we see in your current product.
The entire purpose of the short film is to get across that there will be a movie out, and the movie will be about x and x and also, x. I only understand a vague discription of a few characters, and a few 'epic' speaches that carry no weight when no one has any idea what any of the film is about. SW and LotR can pull off no discription and just visuals fine, but a new storyline requires some details, which yours has not. I don't KNOW why those mandeloreans have signifigence, I don't know why those people are standing in-front of the man at the desk, and I have no idea why the bathroom yoda is talking about the clone wars, because I only see one shot about clones, and I'm not even informed the general timeline of the tale you tell. Overall, just a sloppy job. Stop trying to defend your pride, and admit it needs work, or ignore me. Either way, you need to redo your preview, and I'm guessing the majorety of the movie, if it's done anywhere near similar to this.
"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
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