Pfft. Perl > PHP.
..But what do I know.. Ive never used PHP. I have no reason to. . . except for that bloody STDIN problem.
I love it when someone clicks on a showcase thread, looks at the images, and replies, without ever giving thought to whats actully being showcased. Case in point: Emon.
It may be due simply to the fact that this is
MY showcase, and he only clicked on it for a chance to flame or insult me. He hurriedly looked through the post, looking for something, *anything* that could be used as an insult. "
Wait, uhh, all the images are the same! But he must be showcasing the image, what else could it possibly be?!?" So he hurriedly clicks reply, types out a quick, (and no doubt clever in his mind) remark about the repetitiveness of the images, and submits! He has to be fast, to be the first to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to take a jab at gbk, who was simply trying to showcase a bit of
Perl code, lest
someone else beat him to the punch!
Do yourslf a favor, Emon, next time, actully
read the post before posting a flame.
future is here, and all bets are off.
[This message has been edited by GBK (edited January 09, 2004).]