Players may use the platforms or the bounce pads to capture the enemy flag. Once you’ve captured the enemy flag you have 45 seconds to get to the boss portal, if you do not get to the portal on time you lose the flag and your team gets no points.(You may only go into the boss portal if you have the enemy flag). If you make it to the boss portal you are transported to one of the boss platforms (Depending on what team you are on). Once you get transported to a boss platform you will have to fight a boss (A bot will appear). If you defeat that boss your team gets a point, if the boss defeats you, your team does not get a point.
Also there are a few open spaces with health/shields/guns/ammo in this level for just good ol’ fighting.
[This message has been edited by Rod-Nog (edited February 09, 2004).]
Players may use the platforms or the bounce pads to capture the enemy flag. Once you’ve captured the enemy flag you have 45 seconds to get to the boss portal, if you do not get to the portal on time you lose the flag and your team gets no points.(You may only go into the boss portal if you have the enemy flag). If you make it to the boss portal you are transported to one of the boss platforms (Depending on what team you are on). Once you get transported to a boss platform you will have to fight a boss (A bot will appear). If you defeat that boss your team gets a point, if the boss defeats you, your team does not get a point.
Also there are a few open spaces with health/shields/guns/ammo in this level for just good ol’ fighting.
[This message has been edited by Rod-Nog (edited February 09, 2004).]
Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV