ooooo pick on me, i have a good idea for a helmet, although it would require it to be animated. The creature would have head-phone-like pads covering each ear, and when you press a button or the level starts or something, the armour palts kinda "unfold from the earpads, reaching around to cover everything but the eyes and the lower beakish mouth (for us it would be called the chin
). Also about the ab pads, they are pointless as they are now. They would offer no protection whatsoever, so elongate them, and make them a bit thicker. also are you going to make a skin out of this, and if so, how can you convert a rigged model from an animating program to a skin in a game? or can you not?
Life is too important to take seriously
-Oscar Wilde
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
~ Oscar Levant