It's a nice start, but I have some suggestions.
First and foremost its too flat, as has been said, and the street is too open. It's too wide, specifically. I always recall Tatooine's streets as being crowded throughfares... something like a middle-eastern marketplace, but with slightly more room for swoops and Rontos and such.
I would add in some more vertical elements, specifically buildings.. probably the best way to do that would be some buildings behind the "foreground" buildings, and then a portal sky or something. Although, a portal sky with buildings in it is kind of obvious in this sort of setting... Overall I would raise the general height of the buildings, or somehow arbitrarily lower the vantage point of the player, to make the city seem less flat.
Also, a bit more variety in the buildings would be a good idea. There's just too many of those "huts" that are just identical and the same height and generally just ruin the illusion of the city. First of all I'd make the buildings along the streets more varied, again to give a better impression of a cityscape, and I'd also not make them line up perfectly. Say, have one hut a little further out into the street, one stays just where it is, another is pushed back off the street a bit, etc. It'll break up the lines of the street, and generally look more like the movies. (I don't want to say "realistic" because there's nothing real about wookiees and lightsabers, after all.
) It will also make the tiling of the sand texture (<3 Zully) much less noticeable.
I find that cityscape levels are often most convincing when the player's vantage point is kept to a fairly low level. That way, you as the mapper can add in some..stuff to break up the sky, and make it varied enough to have everything look somewhat convincing. Since the POV of the player is fairly low, they won't see these vast vistas of the city that SHOULD be there, and that way, you don't have to build them. You can basically fake it. The trick is to keep the general POV low, while also making it convincing for a player that can, you know, jump to four times their normal height.
I do like the general construction of the buildings as they are now. Definitely Tatooine. As I said there's just one or two too many of those identical huts, but what variation you have in the building design IS nice.
Now dammit lets see more!
[edit: I can spell. Really.]
I'll admit to
Reactor CTF,
Duel Abyss,
Duel Turbulent,
Duel Dustball, and even the
CCCP, but not
Sky High! (my first, be kind!) Ok so maybe I will.
[This message has been edited by Gonk (edited February 29, 2004).]