This is a little duel level that I've been working on the last couple of days which needs some explanation. The central platform is composed of different segments that turn off (disappear) when damaged, then reappear after about 10 seconds. The obvious theme here is that two players can duel each other down there and damage the floor as they please in attempts to get the other player to fall through. Think Tron except this regenerates and there's only one platform instead of two and there's no ball thing, etc... What a great movie, that Tron was. Anyway, there will be a forcefield that will be switch activated and time delayed or something so that players can be forced to play in the pit there or they can leave the forcefield off and play around the whole arena. Please don't say anything about the textures or lighting looking bad because I haven't really done anything with either of those yet as I like to focus on the archi first. However, I am open to suggestions about how to texture it, etc.
"the mouse is my chisel."
MotS mp:
Little House of Hazards
Surface Disposal Outpost
[This message has been edited by adrenal_medulla (edited March 26, 2004).]
"the mouse is my chisel."
MotS mp:
Little House of Hazards
Surface Disposal Outpost
[This message has been edited by adrenal_medulla (edited March 26, 2004).]