Got the original C++ code I used in an old version; gonna base the new code on that.
I just hope it can work on other computers, since mine is the only one that the classes that are created seem to work on (might be a setting that's not set right or something). All the others I'e tested on have had the error "Couldn't find blah.class" or "Couldn't load blah.class" or something similar.
Anyway, whatcha think of the gui setup? Any suggestions/criticism?
[edit] Update: Got the "decompiler" part working. Now to start on the "compiler" code. Shouldn't be too hard.
Oh yeah, I noticed the error on the middle column where it skips from 0x800 to 0x10000. I fixed it.
[edit] Update: Finished the "compiler" code.
btw, any JK editors think this will be a helpful applet? I know for a fact it'll make my flag editing a lot easier.
Oooh! OOOH! Anyone wanna make a logo for the html for this applet?
I am Darth Slaw.
The Dark Lord of the Sith,
And part of the Nightfire mod team
[This message has been edited by Darth Slaw (edited March 27, 2004).]
May the mass times acceleration be with you.