Deep within the darkest realms of the known galaxy, a mighty battleground stands upon the barren wastelands of a forsaken planet. Though ancient, this battleground still encounters many warriors, desperately seeking a new challenge in the form of the an epic duel with whoever dare appose them, locked in vicious combat atop the aging catwalks of the arena known to the few who dare enter it, as Proelium . . .
This is my first released level, and I hope you like it. I'm afraid it's quite small, but I thought I'd try and go for quality over quantity.
Here are the credits and specs:
Special Thanks goes to:
Rob for his “Ten Thermal Dets” trap cog.
The Mega-ZZTer for his “Random Powerup” cog.
Nightmare for his “Teleporter” cog.
(all of the above can be found in the Massassi cog archives)
GBK for his “Music” cog and Edward for tweaking it.
Stormtrooper for making me his “Automatic Double Doors” cog.
lucky_jackpot for making me his “Double Door Elevator” cog.
DSLS_DeathSythe for making me his “TieBomber” cog.
Yves Allaire for his astounding textures!
(his site can be found at )
The Makers of Unreal Tournament for their awesome music!
(in case you’re are wondering, it is now public domain)
HalycontheDestroyer for his brilliant job of Beta-Testing!
MikeC for his wonderful help in identifying several problems!
Marissa for her additional help in Beta-Testing!
It's Jedi Knight Mp, deathmatch suited for 2 - 4 players (as it is rather small), and the file's about 1.71 MBs so nothing too major.
The link for the download is on my site and can be found at !
Well I hope you like it and comments are really appreciated! Thanks!
[EDIT: THis level also features a Tie Bomber that flies by overhead every minute or so and delivers a payload of heavy-duty bombs!
This level also features new Music!]
~ Vader's Corner ~ The place to submit your poetical works!
[This message has been edited by Daft_Vader (edited April 11, 2004).]
This is my first released level, and I hope you like it. I'm afraid it's quite small, but I thought I'd try and go for quality over quantity.
Here are the credits and specs:
Special Thanks goes to:
Rob for his “Ten Thermal Dets” trap cog.
The Mega-ZZTer for his “Random Powerup” cog.
Nightmare for his “Teleporter” cog.
(all of the above can be found in the Massassi cog archives)
GBK for his “Music” cog and Edward for tweaking it.
Stormtrooper for making me his “Automatic Double Doors” cog.
lucky_jackpot for making me his “Double Door Elevator” cog.
DSLS_DeathSythe for making me his “TieBomber” cog.
Yves Allaire for his astounding textures!
(his site can be found at )
The Makers of Unreal Tournament for their awesome music!
(in case you’re are wondering, it is now public domain)
HalycontheDestroyer for his brilliant job of Beta-Testing!
MikeC for his wonderful help in identifying several problems!
Marissa for her additional help in Beta-Testing!
It's Jedi Knight Mp, deathmatch suited for 2 - 4 players (as it is rather small), and the file's about 1.71 MBs so nothing too major.
The link for the download is on my site and can be found at !
Well I hope you like it and comments are really appreciated! Thanks!
[EDIT: THis level also features a Tie Bomber that flies by overhead every minute or so and delivers a payload of heavy-duty bombs!
This level also features new Music!]
~ Vader's Corner ~ The place to submit your poetical works!
[This message has been edited by Daft_Vader (edited April 11, 2004).]