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ForumsShowcase → Photoshop airbattle thingy
Photoshop airbattle thingy
2004-04-28, 5:41 PM #1
Well, a few weeks ago someone here showcased a thing they made in PS. It was a battle with explosions and it looked all blury and it looked really cool.
Today, I decided to brush up on my PS skills, instead of studying for a bunch of big tests coming up. So I decided to base my picture off of the one I saw a few weeks ago.

Not done yet, I've got more grass on my .psd version, I'm going to put something there. I just cut it out for file size wise.


Keep in mind, this is the first free hand, entirely photoshop drawing I've ever done.

[19:59] Happy "Liar liar" dud: This is arguably one of the lowest points in my life.
[20:00] Happy "Liar liar" dud: I'm sitting here infront of my two computers wearing shorts and with no shirt, eating potato salad and orange juice, debating the existance of pants.
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2004-04-28, 5:43 PM #2
The red lining looks wierd, but the rest goes well togheter.

* Seb goes around singing "I'm too sexy for my body"
* Wolfy goes around singing "I'm too sexy for Seb's body"
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2004-04-28, 6:00 PM #3
Point taken. Fixed.

(That was actually from a previous idea/version. I just forgot about it.. [])

[19:59] Happy "Liar liar" dud: This is arguably one of the lowest points in my life.
[20:00] Happy "Liar liar" dud: I'm sitting here infront of my two computers wearing shorts and with no shirt, eating potato salad and orange juice, debating the existance of pants.
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2004-04-28, 6:11 PM #4

The only major things about it that I notice are that it looks too flat, there's no depth...nothing in the background, and that there isn't any flow to the action.

Oh, and the grass is in rows. Is that what you fixed in your psd?

I don't know what you used to make the curls and puffs in the smoke but it looks pretty cool.

2004-04-29, 12:50 AM #5
What do you mean the grass is in rows? I'm not quite sure. When I use the brush, should I make it more hilly, or just go anarchy style with the painting of the grass?

[19:59] Happy "Liar liar" dud: This is arguably one of the lowest points in my life.
[20:00] Happy "Liar liar" dud: I'm sitting here infront of my two computers wearing shorts and with no shirt, eating potato salad and orange juice, debating the existance of pants.
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2004-04-29, 8:08 AM #6
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by happydud:
What do you mean the grass is in rows? I'm not quite sure. When I use the brush, should I make it more hilly, or just go anarchy style with the painting of the grass?


None of the grass is sticking up off the hill. Gives it a 2d look.

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2004-04-29, 8:13 AM #7
Paint the grass with a larger brush towards the front, then make the brush smaller as you move up. The explosions and smoke are too obviously just smudged colors. Add some tranparency, and some brightness to them...

_ _________________ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2004-04-29, 2:16 PM #8
Update at the top, but I got rid of the tank. I decided it sucked. Updates soon. Probably. (I'm redoing the tank)

[19:59] Happy "Liar liar" dud: This is arguably one of the lowest points in my life.
[20:00] Happy "Liar liar" dud: I'm sitting here infront of my two computers wearing shorts and with no shirt, eating potato salad and orange juice, debating the existance of pants.
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2004-04-29, 7:07 PM #9
Redo the explosions. Use more of a spongy brush. Start with a transparent red base, then a couple oranges (normal orange and a red orange), and then on top, yellow. These should be all bright colors. Increase the opacity as you go up in colors.

_ _________________ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come

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