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ForumsShowcase → Technicolor
2004-05-04, 4:58 AM #1

2004-05-04, 5:21 AM #2
Uhm, freaky. I think I preferred the single color version better though... this is... interesting. Actually the word that comes to mind from the coloring is fruity. Lol. Hmm, yeah, I prefer the single color myself.

_ _________________ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2004-05-04, 5:43 AM #3
Very tropical! I think I'll go drink a Hawaiian Punch now...

Check out updates for my editing work at the Shadow Jedi Academy.
2004-05-04, 5:46 AM #4
May the gods have mercy...

Well, the colours are... umm... pretty colourful...

I gotta agree with SniperWolf - it's Fruity.

Frozen by ICARUS
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-05-04, 5:53 AM #5
I like it fruity.
2004-05-04, 6:01 AM #6
Wowowowow! That's fantastic!! nothing remainend of the bareness. I love it!

My levels

pazarol a világ, én meg segitek neki
My levels
2004-05-04, 6:14 AM #7
omg! Sexy!

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)

2004-05-04, 6:35 AM #8
The trees need coconuts to be complete.

Baby Mama's Drama
2004-05-04, 7:20 AM #9
That rocks. I like it more then that ewwww orange thingy

He cuts you with the words sun san...its quistion obi one.

When youre chased. With a correlian cruiser...Watch your back. Its quistion twozer
2004-05-04, 7:33 AM #10
I fully agree with Zulijn, now that he mentions it!

My levels

pazarol a világ, én meg segitek neki
My levels
2004-05-04, 7:36 AM #11
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Zuljin:
The trees need coconuts to be complete.</font>

Hell hath frozen over, surely, for I am in agreement with Zul. []

I used to believe that we must fight the future, lest change come without our consent. I was wrong. The truth is that we must embrace the future, for only with change can we remain the same.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-05-04, 9:10 AM #12
That's very cool. I still might tone down the colors just a tad.

Saberopus: omfq musical genuis j00 >mozart
Thrawn42689: Mozart = n00b
2004-05-04, 9:19 AM #13
reminds me of vice city for some reason.

Except, how could a palm tree grow inside a dome without sunlight?

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
2004-05-04, 9:40 AM #14
WOW! Now we just need Toucan Sam and a box of Fruit Loops.

-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2004-05-04, 10:13 AM #15

2004-05-04, 10:23 AM #16
Oh, yeah, kill it.
2004-05-04, 4:15 PM #17
When I see it, first level name I think of is

"Calypso vertigo"

Dont press the red button. Whatever you do, DO NOT press the red just pressed the red button didnt you?
The tips at the end of shoelaces are called "aglets". Their true purpose is sinister.
2004-05-05, 12:38 AM #18
You'd almost expect a winegum rain or something similar...

Call me Vedder.
Author of: A Pirate's Tale (Mots SP)
APT homepage
<phantom> You're always going to be aloser if you attempt to aspire to massassi standards.
<phantom> They're a bunch of socially inadequate <beep> whores who have little or no lives.
APT 1, 2, 3/4, 5/6
2004-05-05, 7:00 AM #19
I must be trippin' !

*me rides alongside Bob Marley on the back of a GIANT SWAN!!!!*
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}

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