An Invader Zim CTF conversion mod would be the niceness. Blood Asp's right tho, you need some funny sounds... also, you would need to have Zim lookin maps and textures... which shouldn't be too hard...
My only suggestion for your awesome Gir is to retexure some parts to make it appear cel shaded... for example, make new eye textures so that you can see the black line "drawing" from all angles. ALSO, experiment with the "Glow Effect" in the tutorials secton. Using that same technique, you can make a black outline that traces the entire body. It will off course up the polygons by 100%, but it would look soo groovy. You wont be able to to this for all portions, but it would look A LOT more animated, and less modeled.
Get Joke at
dr0id's stuff, and rock on.
"halucid is not really intelligent but is simply a better simulator of human conversation." Googlism easy life would be... if only it came with a consistancy checker.
Fabricator of Neurotic for MLP4