Some quick replies...
The map is in its early stages. I have just outlined the basic architecture. I'm not going to cram a ton of detail into the map, but I'm by no means done working on it.
The light cast by the shader suns is orange. The sky has a color-shifting shaders, so it appears orange, red, blue, and even grey at times. The textures I used were blues and flat browns/concrete textures, but of course they aren't that color anymore. It's kind of hard to pick that up in the screenies.
This map is different than the JK version. I widened the gap between the catwalks to accomodate the differences in force powers, weapons, etc. I also brought the side towers closer in to the main tower so that there the overall distance wasn't so long. I'm trying to make it playable without force powers and still allow fast movement.
I want each version of this map to be somewhat unique to each respective engine. Simplicity was required in the JK version because I was doing things completely with architecture and had to deal with visible adjoins. Obviously, I can do more in JA, but I do like the clean look of the map so far. Things will appear to stay quite simple, but it'll look quite complex when carefully examined.