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ForumsShowcase → Castle (again)
Castle (again)
2004-06-03, 7:13 AM #1
I've almost done all of the interior for PseudoDonn7's Alissia Castle:
The throne room:
The connecting corridor-I'm going to put something in here, a statue maybe?
The Council Room:
The Dining Hall:
That little black square is a little corridor that leads to a spiral staircase that leads to the Lord of the Castle's magic room, up high in a tower.
Any suggestions are welcome! Well, almost any...

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!
2004-06-03, 8:10 AM #2
Needs a LOT more detail, which you can easily afford. Also, properly stitch the texture over the door in the corridor pic.

Dark, Darker, Darko

RIP Madaventor: God bless you.
I live in the weak, and the wounded.
2004-06-03, 8:14 AM #3
I'd like to do that tex thing, but I'm really working on archetecture right now. Specifically what details, btw?

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!
2004-06-03, 8:27 AM #4
In the third pic, why are almost all the stones of the third row cracked? It looks almost as if some big guy with a bigger hammer had walked by, splitting each and every stone with a mighty blow.

Otherwise, you have a good start. Just keep going, and you'll get a fine castle. But you need more details. And not just chairs, or candelabras, but also architectural details, like recesses in the walls (remember the walls of castles are thick, the windows are likewise deep in the walls), closets, fireplaces, that kind of things.

It has been years since I last time visited a medieval castle, and obviously nobody had lived there for quite some time, so I cannot give more detailed explanations.

Frozen by ICARUS
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-06-03, 8:39 AM #5
align your textures in the second shot, and scale up the floor textures.

aside from everything being quite barren, it's not all too bad.

Current Maps | Inclusion | Restless Endeavor

There is a thin line between insanity and stupidity. I am that line.
Current Maps | Newest Map
2004-06-03, 8:44 AM #6
Doesn't remind my of a castle. More like my first time mapping for Quake 3. :/
2004-06-03, 10:37 AM #7
heh...this is pretty much my first time mapping...
The stone textures are going to be changed. Pseudodonn7, who I'm making this for, said the castle isn't actually that old, so the stones will look newer.
Candles, etc. will be done eventually, but right now I'm working on basic archetecture.

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!
2004-06-03, 12:56 PM #8
Any detail, really. I know they're big square rooms, but they can be detailed in such a way that that isn't a problem. Add ceiling beams, supports, parts of the walls that dip in or jut out a bit. Even adding some decorations like torches or candles or cabinets or what-have-you can go a long way to making things look less plain.

Dark, Darker, Darko

RIP Madaventor: God bless you.
I live in the weak, and the wounded.
2004-06-03, 4:52 PM #9
Use Google image search to find photos of old castles. If you don't find enough on there, search for castle photo and picture galleries on the regular Google search. You should find more than enough source material for details.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-06-03, 6:21 PM #10
More arches for doorways, more extrudes for stones, more light sources, more chairs and tables, more floor rugs, more swords and shields on the walls, tapestries, winding staircases, arrow-slits, dungeons, courtyards, bedrooms, royal bed chambers, harems, hallways, and for god's sake: NOT ALL CASTLES ARE GREY-STONED!


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-06-03, 9:54 PM #11
We haff come to see the TAPESTRIES!

Not bad for a first map. But Darko is right in that you need more details. The castle doesn't look "lived in" at the moment. It helps if you've been to a real medieval castle (in which case, you're SOL if you're in the US). Run a google image search for medieval castle interiors or even a gothic style cathedral interior. Morrowind has some pretty authentic castle interiors.

Also, consider lighting the place properly. You'll need to have light emanating from torches, rows of candles, fireplaces, magical orbs or what have you. This would require some effort on your part but it'll be all the better off because of it.

Keep up the good work!
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
2004-06-04, 6:15 AM #12
You might also want to elevate that table in the council room a bit, it's not Japan where tables are only 20 centimeter off the floor. (And then they'd be sitting on pillows anyway)

And in the dining room I'd just put a massive row of tables down the centre of the hall. Back in those days things weren't all that finely organised as they are nowadays. ^.~

Ofcourse, YOUR king could be a clever sort and organise stuff. That's the joy of creating your own stuff.

And add some random decorations and doohickeys, like tapestries so Indy can be content. And chandeliers to light up those large halls ^.^

"Do... or do not... there is no try"-Yoda
Seishun da!
2004-06-04, 10:30 PM #13
details details details..

candles on poles
paintings + frames
haning rugs w/e you call those
rugs on the floors
varitey of textures
end tables
tables with stuff on them (use milkshape to model vases, ect)

aim: shishnit07
aim: shishnit07
2004-06-05, 8:52 AM #14
I had a long table in the dining room's center originally, but Psuedodonn7 said that there weren't that many people in the castle. If I can do some models later, I might, but I'd have to learn how to. Tapestries, rugs, will be done. The council room I'm re-doing entirely. There will be lots of flames eventually, and lighting will be more orangish. The castle is actually fairly new, so the stones will have a different texture. There are still some areas that I haven't actually started yet...

Have you ever been philosophical? It's pretty fun.
Well don't just sit there, REPLY!!!

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