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ForumsShowcase → Patch Enforcer v2.0 Massassi Beta
Patch Enforcer v2.0 Massassi Beta
2004-06-30, 4:58 PM #1 - Here it is! []

NOTE: I have ported the code to VB .NET, which means you need the .NET framework v1.1 to run it. You can download it here, unfortunately it is a hefty 23mb. []

OK, now here is a list of new features not available with v1.0, which was made in a really awful half-a**ed library []

- Cool background thingy [] which you can toggle on or off
- Uses Multi Document Interface (MDI, like Program Manager) for other, soon-to-be, UJS mini apps.
- Some new GFX, some ripped GFX from God knows where.
- View Patch List in any of the four standard Windows list views (Large Icon, Small Icon, List, Detail).
- No taskbar bar, it stays in the systray. <3
- A few more things, mostly eye candy.

Stuff I need to fix/work on:
- Extensive HTML Help docs
- One Patch at a time option currently has no effect
- Drag and dropping patches like in v1.0 does not work... can't figure out how to enable drag and drop, the obvious options aren't working.
- I have a problem with .NET's streamreader class not completely reading files over the internet, for self-updating apps. Thus UJS has no self-update feature at this time...
- Compatibility with my mIRC bot's ability to launch Patch Enforcer on remote machines if the remote user has a mirc script loaded to do so... need to upgrade that script.

Here are some screenies if you don't have .NET v1.1 or want to check out what you're downloading. These are from various stages of production:

WARNING: I recommend you back up your MODs if possible before using this, as it is still in alpha/beta stages, although I can't see how it can mess stuff up bad enough... at the very least, if testing the Delete Patch feature, backup that mod manually.

Now what I want in exchange for this sneak preview: feedback. If you download this, test out the features, try every button, check to be sure features are disabled when they should be (ie mots not present, mots buttons should be disabled, patch not highlighted, delete patch should be unselectable, etc), and other things.

Also, although feature suggestions would be nice, I'm more looking for bug reports etc. []

If you run into a small problem, a description of the problem and what you did to trigger it will be adequite a report. For larger, program stopping problems (such as it won't launch) more specifics may be needed (ie do you have JK/MotS installed or not, did you install it normally with the LEC installer or not, etc)...

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! | Mega-ZForums

Bot Pack JO | Let's Roll JK | Bespin JA | Patch Enforcer JK/MotS | Pac-Man JK

"how harsh... Jedi Kirby loves his 'Special' and unique way of talking." - jEDIkIRBY, circa 2002

[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited July 04, 2004).]

2004-06-30, 6:14 PM #2
So I have to make a new version, let alone finish the original PE for mIRC? Heh. I'll get straight to it. I could actually use your help making a faster way to read the gob files. Talk to you on IRC.

A computer's worst nightmare:

[This message has been edited by gammasts.]
A computer's worst nightmare:

HazTeam Website-=HT=
2004-07-01, 7:29 AM #3
Wow. What an overwelming response. []

(BTW gamma, congrats on 256 posts. [] [])

Perhaps I should explain what Patch Enforcer is to those who do not know, and why you might want to use it. []

Patch Commander has been the only patch manager for Jedi Knight... that i know of, at least.

PC loaded very slowly on my 400mHz clunker with only 30 patches present. I knew it was because it loaded "useless" data from the GOBs I didn't care about, like the file tree.

So I decided "I can do better!" and I did. []

Although my problems dissapeared when I got my 1.8gHz comp, I still worked on PE.

Patch Enforcer only loads minimal data about the GOBs/GOOs from their patchinfo.txt files, or even none at all if you want it to. Loads faster than PE does, and I think v2.0 loads faster than v1.0! []

The first few versions of PE had minimal features and functionality, but I kept debugging and improving, and now this latest version is ported to a sane programming language. []

OK, so I have been working on PE for a bit today, and I have implemented the "Only one patch" option described above, and I am adding little bits where it stores your personal preferences on window layout and size and such. []

[Edit: WRAA!! It doesn't work... why doesn't anyone tell me these things?!!?

New version up that should work now.

It also has the "Only one patch" feature now.]

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! | Mega-ZForums

Bot Pack JO | Let's Roll JK | Bespin JA | Patch Enforcer JK/MotS | Pac-Man JK

"how harsh... Jedi Kirby loves his 'Special' and unique way of talking." - jEDIkIRBY, circa 2002

[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited July 01, 2004).]

2004-07-01, 4:29 PM #4
In what language/API did you write it?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2004-07-02, 5:44 AM #5
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by The_Mega_ZZTer:
NOTE: I have ported the code to VB .NET</font>


If you mean ORIGINALLY what was it coded in... it was coded in this.

Hmm... a new version of the library I used is out... oh well too late for them. []

I'm creating the help docs, have a look. []

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! | Mega-ZForums

Bot Pack JO | Let's Roll JK | Bespin JA | Patch Enforcer JK/MotS | Pac-Man JK

"how harsh... Jedi Kirby loves his 'Special' and unique way of talking." - jEDIkIRBY, circa 2002

[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited July 02, 2004).]

2004-07-02, 11:47 AM #6
And you call VB sane. To be honest, the lack of response is probably due to the insane filesize, cause I doubt many of us have the NET framework, or want to install it.

I should also note, in v1.0, it didn't find conflicts, and according to your list of new features, it still doesn't, which is one reason I still wouldn't want to use this. (Yes, I do at times combine patches... skins and guns patches together, for example, or other things) With this, you could activate ten patches, and you'd have to guess at what effects that might have.

_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2004-07-02, 12:30 PM #7
Well, you can rest assured that all users would have the same effects in multiplayer. []

Patch conflicting detection is used by PC to keep you from messing up patches because some files in one will be replaced with files in another... but it requires that the full file list be loaded from all GOBs... which is why PC loads so slowly.

And Microsoft seems to me to be pushing .NET. I wouldn't be surprised if the framework is included with Longhorn, or even if it's already included with new releases of XP...

Oh, and PC doesn't work at all on XP (at least for me, in a new installation of XP it didn't). Another reason to give PE a chance. []

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! | Mega-ZForums

Bot Pack JO | Let's Roll JK | Bespin JA | Patch Enforcer JK/MotS | Pac-Man JK

"how harsh... Jedi Kirby loves his 'Special' and unique way of talking." - jEDIkIRBY, circa 2002

2004-07-02, 4:13 PM #8
I've XP and it works perfectly fine. Doesn't load that slow for me, though I've many patches. You could just do a check on the important files... say cogs, dats...

_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2004-07-03, 3:03 AM #9
But it would STILL have to read the full list. []

I never said I would NEVER implement a patch conflict detector. Just not in this version methinks...

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! | Mega-ZForums

Bot Pack JO | Let's Roll JK | Bespin JA | Patch Enforcer JK/MotS | Pac-Man JK

"how harsh... Jedi Kirby loves his 'Special' and unique way of talking." - jEDIkIRBY, circa 2002

2004-07-03, 3:06 AM #10
sux without a conflict detector.

Current Maps | Inclusion | Restless Endeavor

There is a thin line between insanity and stupidity. I am that line.
Current Maps | Newest Map
2004-07-03, 3:51 PM #11
Why Blood Asp? I think its common sense not to mix KWP and SBX together. I think its common sense not to mix FR and Roll.
Most people just put one mod on, and for the people that do more than one, I think they would know which go together by trial and error.
I do however have ideas on how to get conflict detection without decreasing the speed. I'll talk it over with MZZT.

A computer's worst nightmare:

[This message has been edited by gammasts.]
A computer's worst nightmare:

HazTeam Website-=HT=
2004-07-03, 4:45 PM #12
The "One Patch at a time" option keeps you from accidentally activating multiple patches without knowing it (I've done it by accident :*)... ie you might have KWP on, but want to play SBX. You forget KWP is on, and just turn SBX on. With "One Patch at a time", KWP will automatically be turned off.

[Edit: I made an installer for it, and there are a couple new features. []]
The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! | Mega-ZForums

Bot Pack JO | Let's Roll JK | Bespin JA | Patch Enforcer JK/MotS | Pac-Man JK

"how harsh... Jedi Kirby loves his 'Special' and unique way of talking." - jEDIkIRBY, circa 2002

[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited July 04, 2004).]

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