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ForumsShowcase → Uber Jedi Suite
Uber Jedi Suite
2004-07-23, 2:07 PM #1
I'm nearing the release of Uber Jedi Suite .NET v0.1 (will only include the Patch Commander clone), and I've been working on the last couple features, including an auto-update thing. All that's left is that feature and the code that runs all the games. Then I'm done.

Here are some pics:

Higher numbers are more recent. []

The Mega-ZZTer's Gaming Haven! | Mega-ZForums

Bot Pack JO | Let's Roll JK | Bespin JA | Patch Enforcer JK/MotS | Pac-Man JK

"how harsh... Jedi Kirby loves his 'Special' and unique way of talking." - jEDIkIRBY, circa 2002

[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited July 23, 2004).]

2004-07-23, 4:54 PM #2
It looks great but Im thinking you should call it MOD POD.

~Nightfire Mod~
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Offer expires on 6/6/06. Valid one per customer, per day.

2004-07-24, 8:36 AM #3
Looks very nice, but what happened to 'MODFather'? []

Massassi - Muh-Sah-See

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