Bah! I
INVENTED JK back in '76. But then that damn Lucas had to come by and steal all my glory! He was like "lemme see that!", and I was like "I have a bad feeling about this", and the rest is history!
Betchya I can make it to 3
Well, a less disrtacted editor could make something like this in about 2-3 weeks... but with my full-time job and girlfriend combined with S.S.D.D., well, it's taking me a long time.
Its a simple and easy tecnique I use all the time.... just lay down the 1st texture as you normally would... then stitch it to one of the perpendicular side surfaces, and use that surface as a guide tool for stitching around the curve. It takes all of 1 minute, and it ensures that the textures stay aligned even when a slide animation is applied.
Of course! Even tho I gave JKA a harsh rating, it really is my favorite JK mod... so when are ya finishing it? huh?

I hope so.
Emon's right... nothing is impossible.... in JK at least. Theres always work-arounds. In order to make a map like this, you just have to put all laziness aside andjust realize it can be done. Dont skimp on detail and a great idea just cuz it's a little challenging. What self-respecting editor would do that?
Now as for the MaDaMemorial Pack, it will be done.... even if I have to make every map myself! Of course I hope it wont come to that... I'm very glad that kyle is still working on his map... but considering how much Adam has given the Massassi community, I'm very surprised that there aren't more participants.... especially from the old-school Massassian big-names, who may have even known him better than I.... You know who you are.... dontchya think you should make just one last map?