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ForumsShowcase → Holiday Logos
Holiday Logos
2004-12-04, 11:11 AM #1
I've started work on a logo.. but i need some suggestsions.

What should go in the background of this:

(The bottom text will probably be changed too.)

Also, Since we dont have a thread for it post your logos :D
2004-12-04, 12:14 PM #2
Hahahaha :D
2004-12-04, 12:18 PM #3
Don't ask...
2004-12-04, 12:22 PM #4
heres another one i'm working on... but the tauntauns need work.
2004-12-04, 3:44 PM #5
Weee i'm on a roll today.

This is from a wallpaper i made some time ago.

Unfortunatly I lost the psd and the 1600x1200 version :( all i have left is this 400x400 version :(

Ah well I had enough left to make this pretty good logo.
2004-12-04, 4:17 PM #6
make the text bigger for that one.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2004-12-04, 7:38 PM #7
I lol'd at Echoman's.
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2004-12-04, 7:43 PM #8
Distasteful. Like everything I do.
2004-12-05, 4:39 PM #9
;) What you nerds always wanted ;) *cough* *cough*

2004-12-05, 4:47 PM #10
2004-12-05, 4:54 PM #11
Think while it's still legal.
2004-12-05, 4:56 PM #12
I love that second one SAJN :D :D
2004-12-05, 5:04 PM #13
Thanks ^_^

(New logo)

Think while it's still legal.
2004-12-05, 7:20 PM #14
Originally posted by SAJN_Master

WHAT?!!! :eek: ... NO! :mad: J/K but HL2 does own Doom 3's grandmother. Err... something like that. :rolleyes:
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2004-12-05, 8:04 PM #15
:o All 6 got rejected.
Think while it's still legal.
2004-12-05, 9:36 PM #16
Yay 3D modeling!
"...Those living for death will die by their own hand, Life's no ordeal if you come to terms, Reject the system dictating the norms..."
2004-12-05, 10:41 PM #17
J-S ^^ I had that idea too. Except yours turned out better than I could ever make it.
Besides, I couldn't google-find a picture of the temple :(

The only idea I had so far:
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-12-06, 3:42 AM #18

"Um, is that Jan kissing Jan? Uh...sorry...gonna have to turn that one



you've gotta be kidding, they have clothes on.... Don't make me start a poll

It's funny...!!!!!!!



You can start a poll if you want, but that isn't going to change
anything. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to post it. If you read the
rules, it says, "Any logos deemed by us to be in bad taste will get
deleted without being listed on this page." I'm afraid that I deem that
to be in...somewhat bad taste, and I will not post it in the contest.
I'm sorry if you feel like you wasted a lot of time and effort, but I'm
not going to change my mind. Feel free to submit another logo.


GRR. Honestly, if Janet can show a tit, and Britney can open mouth kiss Madonna, Jan should be able to kiss Jan and Kyle like it!!!

What a sad waste....

2004-12-06, 3:53 AM #19
You shold have put them under the mistletoe ;) at least then there would be a reason :p
2004-12-06, 6:55 AM #20
I would pay to see Echoman's win. I want that on the Massassi front page.
>>untie shoes
2004-12-06, 10:03 AM #21
ThE iNsAnItY
PhEaR iT!
Still here.
2004-12-06, 10:37 AM #22
Heh, that's funny... I did a Google one too, and it got rejected as well.
2004-12-06, 10:55 AM #23
Why were all of SAJN's pics rejected? I thought the third was good, and the second was great... do they need to have "Massassi" in them? If so, then what about the fifth and last one? It really cracked me up! (though it may not be truly original) Perhaps SAJN should re-do it, but with all the proper Massassi elements.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-12-06, 11:54 AM #24
In 2002, I submited a logo of treebeard, and it was posted, this year some of my logos were rejected for having nothing to do with starwars....Since when did LotR have to do with StarWars? Also, PedHead had his Massassi Dew logo accepted, but my google one was rejected....then the others aren't 'holiday themed' enough or something...Some of my 2002 logos werent either.

It seems the previous logo contests were fun things to do, now it's more of a chore to have specific things in them and go by so many rules. It just takes all the fun out of it. I thought the idea of this was to get people in the 'holiday spirit' and to have fun?

ProAnimator, that logo is holarious, and I am too confuzled at why it was not accepted. I guess my 'I hate the snow.." logo and my R2D2 witht he presents logo wasn't accepted because 1. He didn't get the joke in #5 and 2. The 'Happy Holidays' text wasn't perfectly straight -.-
Think while it's still legal.
2004-12-06, 12:14 PM #25
"...Those living for death will die by their own hand, Life's no ordeal if you come to terms, Reject the system dictating the norms..."
2004-12-06, 12:26 PM #26
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2004-12-06, 1:55 PM #27
Mine got rejected only because there were two others that were similar.

We all used the same "background" image.
And the first of these two is exactly like mine, except I didn't see that one before. And wth? It's not on the page! That one was made this year right? I can't find it...

Anyway, I thought my idea was original :(
Uncreativeness stinxors.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-12-06, 4:02 PM #28

I put in some more time, and came out with this 'PG-13' version...

I can't believe I got denied for some clean wholesome Lesbian action....

Jerec looks on with jealousy!!!!!

2004-12-06, 4:17 PM #29
That obviously shouldn't be accepted, because it's apparent that Jerec is making an adult video to illegally distribute on the holonet, which will get shut down by the RIAA if one more of their 'Jawa Jigs' song is illegally swapped. Damn, Mike, make an acceptable animation for ONCE in your life.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-12-06, 4:21 PM #30
/me sends subliminal messages to SAJN, Kirby, Thrawn and any other ISBers to do an ISB-themed holiday logo.

We already got Janitor Bob's "Have a sp00kay Christmas!11" from the Spooky Taco :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-12-06, 6:56 PM #31
I shall find a picture of Big Ben and photoshop it posthence! Bwhahahaa...


Haha, two bytes below the 50k limit. :D

2004-12-06, 7:28 PM #32
Originally posted by ProAnimator

GRR. Honestly, if Janet can show a tit, and Britney can open mouth kiss Madonna, Jan should be able to kiss Jan and Kyle like it!!!

What a sad waste....


Indeed. That's discrimination and homophobia. HATE CRIME! HATE CRIME! should sue.
2004-12-06, 7:53 PM #33
Meh, totally uninspired.


2004-12-07, 2:37 AM #34

blujay said he'd accept the first one but apparently he didn't, I guess because it had nothing to do with Star Wars. (but do Christmas trees which are accepted have anything to do with it? NO!)

EDIT: Yes I am aware I spelled "wanted" wrong, but in the version that got put up on the site it's fixed.
2004-12-07, 9:53 AM #35
Aw come on some of these are funny don't reject to good ones and keep the colourful ones... put the kyle holding Santa at gunpoint one up.
2004-12-07, 11:24 AM #36
This sounds like a load of rubbish. I mean, who'd make a competition where people can't have fun?
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2004-12-07, 5:33 PM #37
Originally posted by Oxyonagon
This sounds like a load of rubbish. I mean, who'd make a competition where people can't have fun?

Massassi. :o
2004-12-07, 7:06 PM #38
New one:
2004-12-07, 7:08 PM #39
This is plain stupid. He still wont post ANY of my logos. Way to drain ALL the fun out of the logo contest :( Oh used to be fun.
Think while it's still legal.
2004-12-07, 7:29 PM #40
W00Hoo! I count 29 and rising. Shooting for a 100! I would make one, but I don't have photoshop. I could always whip one up in paint. :(

Also, SAJN, I feel for you, that just doesn't seem right. Has bluejay given you any legit reasons?
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