I'm desperate for another massassian paper, whether some one else wants to make it or I do it, I need ideas for the front page
Ideas so far:
- Top model's advances declined by massassi nerds (the-elizabeth).
- World War III instigated by Emon/Yoshi
- Vietnemese Brothel raided, Ruthven arrested and charged.
- Crisis : TimeWolfOfPast and his Ep III spoilers ensures no massasians bother actually seeing movie in cinema. George Lucas distraught as LucasArts goes bankrupt.
- Pope Dies ... New head of Catholic church decided by POPE IDOL tv contest.
- Stop the press, Sarn Cadrill dies his hair. demands money back.
- Massassians unsure of each others gender since April fools joke goes awry.
- White Houses passes new law, "your mom" jokes outlawed, by pain of death and possible removal of internet connection !:eek:
- Happy birthday massassi.
- Lord of the Rings transfered into L33t language entitled "t3H Lr0d of t3H RiNgz". Saruman quoted as telling his Uruk-hai general "pwne those n00bZ!!" referring to the fellowship.
- GBK tells massassi he is leaving for good. Admins laugh histerically, Osiris dies from split sides.
Ideas? Flames?
also can someone post the 1st 3 copies of the massassian for me? kthx.
Ideas so far:
- Top model's advances declined by massassi nerds (the-elizabeth).
- World War III instigated by Emon/Yoshi
- Vietnemese Brothel raided, Ruthven arrested and charged.
- Crisis : TimeWolfOfPast and his Ep III spoilers ensures no massasians bother actually seeing movie in cinema. George Lucas distraught as LucasArts goes bankrupt.
- Pope Dies ... New head of Catholic church decided by POPE IDOL tv contest.
- Stop the press, Sarn Cadrill dies his hair. demands money back.
- Massassians unsure of each others gender since April fools joke goes awry.
- White Houses passes new law, "your mom" jokes outlawed, by pain of death and possible removal of internet connection !:eek:
- Happy birthday massassi.
- Lord of the Rings transfered into L33t language entitled "t3H Lr0d of t3H RiNgz". Saruman quoted as telling his Uruk-hai general "pwne those n00bZ!!" referring to the fellowship.
- GBK tells massassi he is leaving for good. Admins laugh histerically, Osiris dies from split sides.
Ideas? Flames?
also can someone post the 1st 3 copies of the massassian for me? kthx.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){ do her} elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){ do other babe} else{ do a dude}