ok, yeah, it needs a LOAD of editing. I admit that. But hey, I'm writing this in spare time. Sure, I could be more descriptive. But I CAN'T go back through and edit it right now. Maybe after I finish writing it, I'll send it in somewhere to have it edited, or edit it myself or something. But right now, I just need to write this thing. Ok, the "not descriptive, but shows the image" crap in the Intermission was more about me trying to make my crappy writing look better, seeing as how most of the crappy stuff was written about 6 to 3 months ago, and Chapter 17 and 18 are about 3 days old. It also shows, too. I'm extremely proud of Chapter 17, but maybe that's just me being proud because I think it's cool. I am aslo VERY sorry if any of this offended you, and if you were immediately turned off by the John Kerry bashing (somewhat). I forgot to mention that, and I'm very sorry. And Pommy, my dear, dear Pommy. I can't really change the setting and time period. I've got nearly the whole first half of the story laid out, and it's just too good to change. The story, however impossible it may be, was somethign I developed in about 5 minutes. And, if the first half or so of all those chapters need more description, it's because I was trying to keep it down to one page chapters, like the Zloc story mentioned in the intermission. But, other than that, I appreciate your comments, and they will definitely help me for future settings.
I had a blog. It sucked.