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Film or digital? either way, excellent exposures. i only ask because the colours are so saturated. could have been tweaked in photoshop or have used a special process. polarizing filter?
i love the saturated reds. excellent use of space and negative space. i've said it before, you have a great eye.
the first one reminds me of one you showed us before.
very, very few criticisms.
1) Presentation - in the field of photographic presentation, black mattes are a definate no-no. although a black border with a white matte is acceptable. black mattes make your prints(or in this case jpeg's look darker than they are. it may be popular at deviantart, but it doesnt make the picture look any better or more "professional." professionals with very very very few exceptions use white.
2) Colour Correction - it could be that i haven't calibrated my monitor in a while(along with the fact that i need a new one) but a problem with the monitor wouldnt show different things wrong. so just a few CC issues.
a) first print - looks like its ja little magenta. you can see it in the cement pylons, and in the highlights on the water. even a little bit on the seagull, ubt you can see that mostly in the shadows of it. the highlights are a little blown out(but it works for the shot). add 5 or 6 points of green.
b) second - same. just a hair magenta. 2-3 points should do it.
c) third - again, only a small CC issue. this one is a bit cyan. again shadows of the bird, the cement, and the water. add a few points of red
d) i looked at this one the most. probably the strongest image in the bunch. it can be hard to spot in an image so dominated by it, but this one is just a little red. the shadows on your shubject are a little muddy, which is how i spotted it. and once i saw it i couldnt unsee it. i could see it in the grafitti in the lower right, and in that odd little thing above his head. just the opposite of the last one, add a little cyan. 4-5 points oughtta do.
i hope that wasnt too harsh. you've got a great eye and i hope you keep up your photography. its been a while since we've seen anything from you(as far as photos. your models are awesome too. what happened to the little alien guy?) i hope next time i present my work i get something as thourough as this.
good work dude.
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