The Supreme Battlecruiser, also known and dreaded as the Warrior, Vince Trageton's mighty flagship, has now made it through final testing and is now available for DOWNLOAD. 5km from bow to stern it is the biggest starship I've done so far with its number of weapon hardpoints already scraping XWA's upper limits! Yay me!
as always you can download it from Right HERE
Need more screens to be convinced? There you go!
The Supreme Battlecruiser, also known and dreaded as the Warrior, Vince Trageton's mighty flagship, has now made it through final testing and is now available for DOWNLOAD. 5km from bow to stern it is the biggest starship I've done so far with its number of weapon hardpoints already scraping XWA's upper limits! Yay me!
as always you can download it from Right HERE
Need more screens to be convinced? There you go!